A New Scenario for "Harpoon Classic for Windows" ================================================== TECHWAR2 - v1.5 : 19-07-96 =============== This is for the CD-ROM version. I don't know if it will work with the older floppy disk versions. NOTE : This is for the Harpoon Designers Series III IOPG Battleset. ============================ ==== NOTE : This is designed to be played by the BLUE side only. ==== ( Please send me messages about this scenario. I hope to provide more scenarios later ) NOTE : This document consists of a brief historical introduction, followed by a mission briefing combined with special hints and advice. Please read ALL of them before starting this scenario. It will make a MAJOR difference to your enjoyment! ( and survival ) Ignore the names and locations of airbases. I just picked some to provide the targets! Introduction ------------ After the second Iran/Iraq war in 2001 to 2002, the Persian Gulf has turned into a far different place from that seen in the last decade of the 20th Century Iran and Iraq have had almost all of their offensive military power eliminated, by the other country in their war, and by the US/NATO/UN Operation "Crystal Vision" in the 15 days following the war. The use of 10 USAF B-2A Stealth Bombers from the 509th BW, and the 800+ SLCMs from the USN's new "Arsenal Ship", saw to that. Convoys of merchant ships, especially oil tankers, in the Persian Gulf were escorted by groups of warships from several countries. The memorable events being the use of salvos of Harpoon missiles from UK and Australian frigates to sink whole flotilas of Iranian FAC(M) armed with the latest "Silkworm Plus" SSMs Our older weapons were better than their newer weapons, but we still improved our systems, ready for the next time..... The first use of SS-N-12 "Sandbox" SSMs by a Russian Navy "Slava" class missile cruiser, in a coordinated strike with "Tomahawk" SLCMs from UK Royal Navy "Trafalgar" SSNs and missiles launched from French AF Rafale warplanes, finally destroyed the main Iranian Scud-series missile facility near Dezful. USAF F-15Es hit Baghdad everynight for 2 weeks, while RAF Tornado GR.4s, escorted by Russian AF Su-27s, with Su-33s flying "Wild Weasel" missions saw the final destruction of any nuclear weapon plans by the two countries. These operations, characterised by the use of modern weapons and tatics, became know as "Tech War"...... with the Allied campaign being called "TECHWAR1". The governments of both Iraq and Iran were overthrown, in what were truly popular democratic revolutions. These two countries were considered to be no threat to the West for many years, possibly the first half of the new century. Of course, in the middle of this, no one noticed elderly An-2 aircraft leaving both Baghdad and Terhan, for Africa, destination unknown. Leading figures in both countries, who managed to escape their own peoples, were still free.... New types of criminal drugs, combined with the discovery of vast new oil fields, and even worse, the discovery of new uranium deposits in the region were not appreciated by the West until it was too late. The old leaders knew their value..... By 2010, a new AfriBloc organisation was formed by the old leaders of Iran and Iraq, funded by the means noted above. They purchased weapons from all sources, not always the best, or latest, but always in vast quantities. They also managed to develop remote-controled version of elderly MiG-19 and MiG-21, especially the Chinese versions. They were designed to provide local defence against SLCMs, and to soak up enemy AAMs and SAMs, leaving the enemy planes unarmed against the more modern attackers. They took over the entrance to the Red Sea, the first step in a campaign to recover Iran and Iraq from the West..... Discover the REAL meaning of "Power Projection", as taught by the US Navy!!!! >>>>> MESSAGE BEGINS <<<<< LEVEL : TOP SECRET : SCI AMBER DATE : 04 AUG 2011 TIME : 03:27 Z FROM : Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff TO : RADM commanding USN TF 67 : BRIG GEN commanding USAF 366th FW : CAPT commanding ALLIED TF GOLD REF : AFRIBLOC THREATS TO WESTERN SHIPPING The AfriBloc has just sunk several oil tankers using submarines, and a Russian LPG carrier using missiles launched from FAC(M). 2 civilian airliners were also shot down by MiG-25s. A US Navy TF, the Middle East Force, part of the 5th Fleet, deployed in the area is in danger from these forces. It has been decided to deal with this threat once and for all, before they can develop a nuclear capability. **** Your orders are to defend the TF, and to destroy the enemy **** You have a time limit of only THREE days..... Available assets briefing: -------------------------- The USAF has deployed its 366th "Composite" Wing to a nearby airbase, and has reinforced it with other more specialised assets: EA-6B from the joint USAF/USN ECM/EW unit VAQ-133 F-117A Det.2 from the 49th FW F-22A 390th FS, with AIM-120 AAMs F-15E 391th FS, with the latest AGM-130 PGMs Joint Strike Fighter 389th FS [ simulated by French Rafale ] ( these should be used in the A/G role ) E-3C AWACS EC-135 "Rivet Joint" SIGINT platforms [ simulated by C-141 ] E-8C J-STARS [ simulated by C-141 ] These just need to be deployed in right place, and protected. They do not provide much information as the C-141 has no sensors, but the passive nature of the EC-135 can be simulated. This is also the first operational deployment of the "Talon/Raptor" anti-missile platform. Simulated by 6 x F-14A. When using these, don't move them, or change their position in the formation editor. Just use them to fire only at targets in range. NOTE : Some of the above aircraft have been deployed to a Forward Operating ---- Location. We don't think that this deployment has been detected yet. The F-117A, JSF, and F-15E force are now much closer to their targets, but they need protective air cover... USN TF 67 is composed of: Abraham Lincoln CVN-72 CVW-11 "NH" 14 x F-14D VF-213 with full A/G capability, incl. HARM & Harpoons possibly on their last cruise...... 5 x E-2C VAW-117 Group II 12 x F/A-18E VFA-22 | the latest single-seat version 12 x F/A-18E VFA-94 | 6 x F/A-18F.C2W VMFA-314 ---> do NOT change their loadout!!!!!!! for "Wild Weasel" ops. [ simulated by F/A-18C ] 2 x ES-3A Det.B VQ-5 [ simulated by S-3B ] 16 x SV-22 VS-29 ( reinforced ) replaced both SH-60 and S-3B 6 x MV-22 HCS-2 to support US Navy SEALs and for C-SAR role 17 x Joint Strike Fighter VFMA(AW)-224 [ simulated by French Rafale ] this is their first operational deployment ( treat their "ANS" anti-ship missile weapon as if it was a system capable of attacking land targets, ex. AGM-84H, or AGM-137 "TASSM" or its replacement ) Arleigh Burke DDG-51 Vicksburg CG-69 John Rodgers DD-983 John Young DD-973 | loaded with SLCMs Spruance DD-963 | Gettysburg CG-64 | this ship is primarily for SLCMs not A/A defence San Juan SSN-751 | both carry SLCMs Charlotte SSN-766 | Seawolf SSN-21 on its first operational deployment..... Trenton LPD-14 | Amphibious Ready Group, carrying..... Belleau Wood LHA-3 | 22nd MEU(SOC) ( Reinforced ) Kearsage LHD-3 | Whidbey Island LSD-41 | Rushmore LSD-47 | Incl..... LCACs, and..... VMA-214 AV-8B "Harrier II" Plus, can carry AIM-120 AAMs VMA-231 AV-8B or AGM-65 AGMs VHMM-264 MV-22 VHMM-266 MV-22 HMH-263 CH-53E HMLA-773 AH-1W useful against ** damaged ** FAC(M) Cimarron | Variety of support ships ( You MUST protect these!!! ) Mount Baker | Supply | Sacramento | Kalamazoo | FLASH UPDATE : Some of your warships may have been attached to the 5th Fleet ------------ to help protect it, and to be in place to mount pre-emptive SLCM strikes on AfriBloc airbases. FLASH UPDATE : There are also unconfirmed reports that the AfriBloc may have ------------ bases on the western side of India, close to Iran. FLASH UPDATE : A small force has arrived at the airbase at Diego Garcia. They ------------ may be able to help you, but will need to have closer bases to operate from.... so protect your primary base and the FOL. Just a moment, Admiral... I've got a signal coming it... .....attack on airbase.... commandos on runways...help.... .....they have just blown up a B-52... help......... So, little support from Diego Garcia, Admiral. Good Luck >>>>> MESSAGE ENDS <<<<< A few notes and reminders on the above..... ------------------------------------------- Don't use tactical nukes unless the RED forces do.... it isn't politically approved. IT IS POSSIBLE to destroy all enemy ships and planes, and to destroy all of the bases in the time allowed.... 4 days. Your aircraft carrier must be protected at all costs. Remember, that the USMC Harriers can carrry AIM-120 AAMs to help with air defence. The AIM-120 is a primary A/A weapon, and has replaced the AIM-7. The F-14s are fully capable of ground-attack missions. ( But are wasted in this role..... they do have a VERY long range though!! ) Use AGM-65 AGMs rather than conventional bombs as these are the closest weapons to the planned JDAM and JSOW systems. ESPECIALLY with the AV-8B squadrons!!!! 4 x AGM-65, when joined by more 4 x AGM-65 are VERY good at dealing with OSA-II FAC(M) targets........ The SV-22 "Osprey" can handle either ASuW or ASW roles, so use them wisely. Your Carrier Air Wing has been designed to represent one possible version of what might be on the flightdecks at the start of the next century. Final Note : AfriBloc is not intended to be representative or any country or group of countries, or people, or organisations. It's just that there haven't been many military operations in the area recently, involving air and substantial naval forces, so I picked this interesting region. Send me any messages with your comments on this scenario.