This is YChess version 1.09. See 'chess.txt' for licence agreement and usage. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS =================== YChess requires a 386 processor, or higher, as well as a VGA or SVGA graphics card. COPYRIGHT NOTICE ================ YChess 1.09 is copyright (C) 1995 Roman Antonczyk. All rights are reserved, with the only exception that YChess 1.09 may be copied and distributed by anyone if (and only if) the archive is kept together and no fee is involved. POSTCARD-WARE ============= If you use this program, please send me a postcard: Roman Antonczyk Erzh.-Karl-Str. 39/2/73 1220 Wien Austria Europe DISCLAIMER ========== YChess 1.09 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it. STARTUP / INSTALL ================= The archive contains the following files: BOOK CBK 52,174 05-16-96 11:43p CHESS EXE 129,448 08-09-96 11:28a CHESS TXT 20,410 08-07-96 7:17p README TXT 2,726 08-09-96 11:30a The directory from which 'chess' is started should contain the files 'chess.exe' and 'book.cbk'. Upon termination of the program, the file 'chess.sav' will be created in this directory. This file saves the state of the program on exit. When the program is restarted, the previous settings will be restored from this file (Including any game you were playing). IF YOU ARE INSTALLING OVER A PREVIOUS RELEASE OF YCHESS, THEN YOU SHOULD DELETE THE FILE "CHESS.SAV" CREATED BY THE PREVIOUS RELEASE! COMMENTS / SUGGESTION ===================== Please email to Subject: YChess WWW home page of YChess is: Roman Antonczyk Erzh.-Karl-Str. 39/2/73 1220 Wien Austria Europe WHAT'S NEW ============ Read this section if you have used YChess1.08 * The board and piece colours are now adjustable * Included command line options. This allows using a smaller hash-table when there's little memory left under DOS. * Included recapture search extensions. Modified passed pawn search extensions. This release should play stronger than the previous one. * The animation speed can now be adjusted using a slider (not terribly useful). * A minor change was made to the time-control. BUG FIXES ========= -> Corrected an error in the "Draw" Algorithm. YChess1.08 played into draws for positions which should have been one. -> Corrected an error involving PxPep move generation at the root. -> Corrected an error which caused the program to hang when taking back moves involving a PxPep capture.