B-PLAY Vs 2.11 Screensaver - SRO Systems Thank you for Checking out SRO's BPLAY SCREENSAVER To install the screensaver, run the "Install.exe" program from Windows. Once installed, to run the screensaver ; 1) In Windows 3.x : Run "Control Panel" (usually in the "Main" Group), double click on "Desktop", then select B-Play from the screensaver list. 2) In Windows '95 : Right click on the desktop and choose "Properties' from the menu. Click the "screensaver" tab, then choose B-Play from the screensaver list. This screensaver requires VGA w/ 512K of RAM min, and will only run as smooth as intended on a 486/25+. Most older 386's display images quite slowly, but try it anyway. For More information, see the BPLAY21.HLP file or read the BPLAY.TXT file. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - B-PLAY is SHAREWARE. If you use it for an extended period (like 30 days) you are expected to register it. The $10 fee (+ $2 sh/h, + $4 outside continental United states) can be sent to: SRO SYSTEMS P.O. Box 5028 Blue Jay, CA 92317 - To order by credit card, call (909) 337-7535. - Or you can register on Compuserve's shareware registration forum. Just "GO SWREG". B-PLAY is ID# 5293. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THIS SCREENSAVER IS WRITTEN IN VISUAL BASIC 3.0 AND REQUIRES VBRUN300.DLL TO BE IN YOU WINDOWS \ SYSTEM DIRECTORY. IF YOU HAVE RECENT VB PROGRAMS, YOU PROBABLY ALREADY HAVE IT. IF YOU DON'T, IT IS AVAILABLE ON MOST BBS's AND MANY SHAREWARE DISKS/CD'S. DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to the variety of software and harware that may be present on a user's PC, SRO SYSTEMS makes NO WARRANTEE NOR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND. SRO SYSTEMS will not be held responsible for anything that might happen due to the use, or misuse of this software. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Sean SRO SYSTEMS P.O. Box 5028 Blue Jay, CA 92317 Fax - (909) 337-0575 srosystems@local.net - 75604,3535@compuserve.com - srosystems@aol.com