README.TXT for List Thread Viewer (LTV) --------------------------------------- LTV is a PM application developed with VisPro Rexx. It will take ListServ or Majordomo digest files and list the subject titles in a scrollable thread window (list box). The user may then double-click on a subject to view the messages associated with that thread. It is easy to traverse the thread messages or change to a different subject. Push buttons are provided to delete a thread, delete a message, save a message to a disk file, and print a message. LTV is not very fancy. Help is minimal and primitive. At best, LTV is really only prototype-class software. If you find it useful, feel free to use it without restrictions or costs...and understand I won't support it beyond an occassional question via e-mail, if I have the time and inclination. Besides this README.TXT file, you should have two other files: LTV.EXE and LTV.HLP. Here's what you do to get started: 1. Put the LTV files into their own directory. 2. Save a list digest file to the same directory as LTV.EXE and name the digest file with an extension of ".DIG" -- if you have multiple digest files, give them names that indicate the order in which they came to you (for example, "001.DIG", "002.DIG", etc.). This will maintain the chronological order of the message threads once they're loaded into LTV. 3. Start LTV.EXE from an OS/2 window. The first time it runs, LTV prompts you for the name of the list (to put in the window title bar) and whether you want LTV to confirm before deleting a message and subject. 4. Press the "Load Digest File" button for a file dialog box where you specify the file name of the digest file you want to view. Once a digest file is loaded, you double-click on a thread title to read it's messages. From there, it's rather self-explanatory (I hope!). If not, the help push button may prove useful. I'll be glad to answer any questions and read any comments. Steve Perez