MR/2 ICE ADD-ON FILE NECESSARY FOR THIS FUNCTION NOT FOUND!! ============================================================= While the more advanced functions like spell checking and the thesaurus are enabled in ALL versions of MR/2 ICE, you must have the add-on files that contain the word databases for each to function. Since these are LARGE, totally optional, and rarely change, they are distributed as separate files. Simply find these files, unzip then, and move the appropriate ".BIN" file into the MR/2 ICE directory. The spell checker and/or thesaurus will function from then on, and you will no longer be presented with this message window! You can find the add on file available from my web page: You might as well try the build in browser link! Click once on the URL for my home page, above. Now, click the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON (RMB). Select "browser" ... if all goes well, you will soon see my home page on your screen! Download the appropriate files and unzip the ".BIN" files into the MR/2 working directory. You're all set!!