Bullet License Agreement Before using this software, BULLET, you must agree to the following: 1. A BULLET license grants you the right to use the BULLET library code on a royalty-free basis according to the terms of this License Agreement. 2. You are not permitted to operate more than one copy of this software package at one time per license. For example, if you have ten programmers that have access to the BULLET package at the same time, you are required to have ten BULLET licenses. 3. There is no restriction on the number of users you may support, and no restriction on the number of different end-user programs you may distribute that use BULLET. You may allow any number of simultaneous users to use your end-user program. 4. The dynamic link library, BULLET*.DLL, may be distributed with your end-user program. No other BULLET product may be distributed without permission (for example, you may not distribute Bullet's import library, BULLET*I.LIB). 5. You are not permitted to distribute non-executable code containing BULLET code. This means that may not redistribute BULLET with your program if your program can be used by other programmers to develop executable code. BULLET must be part of an end-user product only. This means that you cannot provide an overlay or other such external code containing BULLET code if that code is to be used as a programming library for other programmers, from which the other programmers can create programs. If you require distributing a non-end-user package containing BULLET, you must obtain written permission from the author. This limitation pertains to the distribution of BULLET library code. You may, however, develop and distribute your programmer package (ie. non-end-user) as you wish, but you may not distribute BULLET library code with that package without written permission. For example, you may develop class libraries that use the BULLET library code, and distribute those tools that you have written, but you may not include BULLET library code, or BULLET activation methods, in that package. The programmer using your package would need a BULLET license to make use of your package. 6. The static link library, BULLET*.LIB, may not be distributed except in executable form as a component in your executable program (EXE). BULLET*.LIB may not be placed into a DLL. BULLET*.LIB, if part of your license/Option, may only be linked directly to your end-user program. BULLET*.LIB is available with Option C licenses only. 7. Shareware use is limited to 28 days, and for the sole purpose of evaluating the software. The BULLET library code may not be distributed in any form without a registered BULLET license. A BULLET license is obtained only with purchase of a BULLET package, purchased from an authorized BULLET distributor. 8. A BULLET license is specific to the option level purchased. License holders with a lower Option may not. use any higher level Option code. For example, if you find another product using the Option C DLL, and you have an Option A license, you are not permitted to use the Option C DLL in your development, nor may you distribute any code that is not part of your Option level. 9. Your end-user program using the BULLET DLL is required to be a copyrighted work, and must contain a valid copyright notice in the form, 'Program-name Copyright (C)Year Your-Name', or similar. No notice of BULLET's copyright need be further specified in your program (in other words, you don't need to mention BULLET, but you may if you wish). This applies only if you distribute the BULLET DLL with your product. Programs that are linked using the BULLET*.LIB static link library need not display a copyright notice. In other words, if you must distribute to the Public Domain, where no copyright is desired for your program, you must link using the static link library, and not the DLL. 10. BULLET is owned by the author, Cornel Huth, and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You are not permitted to make copies of this software except for archival purposes. 11. You may not rent or lease BULLET. You may not transfer this license without the written permission of the author. If this software is an update or upgrade, you may not sell or give away previous versions. 12. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble this software if the intent or result is to alter the software. 13. You may not reproduce the printed manual. 14. There are no expressed or implied warranties with this software. 15. All liabilities in the use of this software rest with the user. 16. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. This software is provided with restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. The software is owned by Cornel Huth/6402 Ingram Rd/San Antonio Texas 78238/USA. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Great State of Texas, the United States of America, and all other countries of Earth. Any questions concerning this License Agreement should be directed to Product Support. Failure to comply with any part of this License Agreement may result in license revocation.