EFLIB Extended Function Library for Borland Pascal with Objects Release 3 - PROTOTYPE 4 Introducing information and installation instructions (C) Johan Larsson, 1993 - 1996. All rights reserved. E-MAIL: jola@ts.umu.se ---===> http://www.ts.umu.se/~jola/EFLIB/ <===--- About the program ================= This is a distribution version of EFLIB, the programming tool for Borland Pascal 7.0 with Objects. EFLIB opens an entire new world of programming possiblities. It is now easy to create complex data structures such as linked lists, and to manage windows, screens and much more. Have a look of the program by studying and running the included demonstration examples with source code (in the directory DEMO). If you like the program, you can order the next official release for a small charge. OBSERVE THAT THIS IS A WORKING MODEL OF EFLIB! TEST RUN THE PROGRAM AND REPORT ANY PROBLEM YOU GET. IDEAS OR COMMENTS ARE ALSO WELCOME. IN THIS WAY YOU HELP ME DEVELOP A THE FINAL VERSION OF EFLIB - WITH EVEN MORE FEATURES. The beta version contains TPU-files and source code examples (PAS-files). Installation instructions ========================= Follow this step-by-step guide if you are unsure about how EFLIB is installed on your computer. (1) Copy all the files to a directory on your hard drive. (2) Make sure the computer has at least 600 KB free memory in the DOS-region. If you don't have enough memory, try to use the program MEMMAKER for DOS 6.x to reorganize your memory usage. If you are using a DPMI-version of Borland Pascal or a compiler that can compile huge programs, the memory in the DOS-region is of no concern. (3) Start Borland Pascal. Go to the pull down menu "Options" and choose "Directories". Move to the field "Unit directories" and add ";C:\EFLIB" after the existing text. Replace the directory name with the name of your EFLIB unit directory. (4) Save the configuration using the choice "Save" in the "Options" pull down menu. Features in short ================= - doubly linked data structures; linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, all generic for any variable type (even objects). - linear dynamic data structures; pointer lists, array lists, virtual (grow when needed) lists, hash tables, binary trees, AVL trees ... - generic memory engine - low-level routines for keyboard, mouse and screen - virtualized screen I/O - virtual screens with presentations methods (fading, exploding ...) - windows with mouse support and multiple borders, shadows, and more - browsers, selection lists, dialogue boxes and editors - event handling (simple multi tasking using a smart event handling technique based on shared polling loops). - initialization with configuration files - file handling and advanced file functions including CRCs and encrypthion - button panels and menues; SmartMove technology for easy user choises - string handling functions (about all things you ever need for strings) including international case conversion (several times faster than Borland Pascals own, even though this one supports any language including Swedish) and text parsing. - simple hyper text functions (string coding techonoly) - matemathical routines (evaluation, Newton-Raphsons method, intregrals, expression parsers and more). - PLUS MUCH MORE! What's new? =========== The release 3 of EFLIB is still under construction. The new release will include hundreds of new features. Most of them are available in this prototype. Known problems ============== - EFLIBMNU is under construction and not included in this release - CRCs fails PLEASE REPORT ANY PROBLEM YOU GET! Questions and feedback ====================== Feedback is very welcome. So are questions and problem reports. Contact Johan Larsson at jola@ts.umu.se (Internet) or write a letter to Johan Larsson, Istidsgatan 33, 2tr., S-906 55 UME, Sweden. Remember to check out EFLIBs home page on the Internet at http://www.ts.umu.se/~jola/EFLIB/ for the latest EFLIB release. License agreement ================= There are three types of licenses for EFLIB; 1. Non-commercial license for personal use 2. Non-commercial license for multiple use 3. Commerical license 1. Non-commercial license for personal use This license does not require any payment or registration. However this license is only available as long as; - you will use EFLIB privately and not in business or education (in schools, courses or universities). - you don't use EFLIB in any commercial way - you don't make any money out of EFLIB or a program you have developed with EFLIB - you don't manipulate EFLIBs kernel or the distribution package - you don't distribute EFLIB components together with your programs *). *) You may distribute EFLIB together with a program as long as you include the entire EFLIB package without making any changes to it. If you don't forfill one or more of the listed conditions, you will have to buy one of the other two licenses. 2. Non-commercial use for multiple users This license is similar to the first license. The only difference is that this license is intended for multiple users and not for personal use. It can be used by schools, universities and other non-commercial organizations (in educational use). It does not allow you to sell a program that you have developed with EFLIB, nor to distribute EFLIB other than in it's full version. 3. Commercial license This is the only license that allows developing of programs that will be sold to make economical profit. The license covers both personal and bussines use. The license does not include full rights to EFLIB. It only allows program developing with the tool. Special licenses can be designed if a company want access to EFLIBs source code or full rights to the tool. For ordering a licensed copy of EFLIB, contact Johan Larsson (post a e-mail to jola@ts.umu.se). For more information, see EFLIBs home page on the Internet, at http://www.ts.umu.se/~jola/EFLIB/.