Attention: Step Ahead Software, Sales Officer PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS Name (used for private key) _________________________________________________ Company _________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ Area Suburb State Code/ ___________________ __________ Zip________ City Country ___________________ ____________________ Phone Fax ___________________ ____________________ email address _________________________________________________ Operating System ____ These prices were correct at time of writing. You should check our web site for the most current price list. Step Ahead Software Order Processing Guarantee: =============================================== Step Ahead Software will never process an order for an amount different to that on your order form. If prices have changed from those shown below we will contact you PRIOR to processing your order and inform you of the new pricing. You may then (a) Cancel your order or (b) Reorder with the new pricing. The choice is yours. *Some small variations (+-$1-$2) may result due to fluctuations in foriegn currency exchange rates. Product Price Qty Total Javelin Professional $US 59 -------------------------------------------------------------------- |Javelin Professional- Student Purchase $US 39 | | | |Order must be accompanied by letter on your university or school's| |letterhead stating that you are a student of that institution and | |signed by your lecturer. Please include your student number. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Paid _________________ *Serial Number and Password will be sent normally within 1 working day of receiving your payment. Method of Payment __ Cheque __ Visa __ MasterCard Card # __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Expiry Date ______________ Cardholder's Name __________________________________________ Cardholder's Signature _____________________________________ Faxed orders accepted for credit card purchases only. Fax to: +61 2 452 3363 or email to Phone orders can be made by ringing +61 2 477 3398 or toll free from the USA on 1800 210 9427. Cheques should be made payable to Step Ahead Software Pty Ltd and posted to: Step Ahead Software Pty Ltd 18 SILVIA ST HORNSBY NSW 2077 AUSTRALIA