Title: A TUTORIAL INTRODUCTION TO THE C LANGUAGE RECIO LIBRARY Copyright: (C) 1994-1996, William Pierpoint Version: 2.15 Date: October 26, 1996 1.0 STDIO AND RECIO The program many people first learned when introduced to the C programming language was the "hello, world" program published in Kernighan and Richie's "The C Programming Language." And the first line of that first program, #include tells the compiler that the functions and macros provided by the standard input/output library are needed for the program. The "hello, world" program uses the powerful printf statement for output. The counterpart for input, scanf, looks deceptively like printf, but unfortunately has many ways to trap an unwary programmer. Common mistakes include failure to provide the address of an variable, size of argument mismatched with the specification in the format statement, and number of arguments mismatched with the specification in the format statement. Suppose you use a library that defines a boolean type as an unsigned character, typedef unsigned char boolean; You develop an output module that writes variables of type boolean to a file, /* output */ boolean state=0; fprintf(fp, "%d", state); where fp is a pointer to FILE. Once you get the output module working, you decide to develop the input module to read back into the program the data you wrote to disk. /* input */ boolean state; fscanf(fp, "%d", &state); Is this ok? On one compiler this worked consistently without problems, but on another compiler, it overwrote the value in another variable. Why? Because fscanf is expecting the address of an integer, not an unsigned char. One compiler overwrote the adjoining memory address and the other compiler apparently did not. Since compilers don't type check functions with variable number of arguments, you don't get any errors or warnings. That is what is so infuriating about this type of error. You see that another variable has the wrong value, you check all the code that uses the other variable, and you can't find anything wrong with it. In the midst of development, it is hard to imagine that the problem is caused by code that has nothing to do with the variable containing the bad value. P.J. Plauger, in writing about the scanf functions in the book "The Standard C Library" spends several pages discussing the dangers, limitations, and ambiguities of scanf. He concludes the section by saying, "Be prepared, however, to give up on the scan functions beyond a point. Their usefulness, over the years, has proved to be limited." The recio (record input/output) library takes a different approach to input. To input the boolean variable using the recio library, just write /* input */ boolean state; state = rgeti(rp); where rp is a pointer to REC (the recio structure analogous to the stdio FILE structure). The rgeti function gets the integer value from the input and the compiler converts it to the boolean type when it makes the assignment. No need to worry about crazy pointers here! Since virtually every program has to do input or output, the stdio library is very familiar to C programmers. Many functions in the recio library are analogous to the stdio library. This makes the learning curve easier. Analogous stdio/recio components stdio recio --------- --------- FILE REC FOPEN_MAX ROPEN_MAX stdin recin stdout recout stderr recerr stdprn recprn fopen ropen fclose rclose fgets rgetrec fscanf rgeti, rgetd, rgets, ... fprintf rputi, rputd, rputs, ... clearerr rclearerr fgetpos rgetfldpos fsetpos rsetfldpos feof reof ferror rerror In addition, the recio library contains many new functions that don't have a counterpart in stdio. For example, you can easily read and write dates and times using recio. 2.0 EXAMPLES 2.1 Line Input One of the first things you can do with the recio library to is to substitute rgetrec() for fgets() to get a line of text (record) from a file (or standard input). The advantage of rgetrec() is that you don't have to go to the trouble to allocate space for a string buffer, or worry about the size of the string buffer. The recio library handles that for you automatically. The rgetrec function is like fgets() in that it gets a string from a stream, but it is like gets() in that it trims off the trailing newline character. The echo program demonstrates the use of the rgetrec function. /* echo.c - echo input to output */ #include #include #include "recio.h" int main() { /* while input continues to be available */ while (rgetrec(recin)) { /* echo record buffer to output */ puts(rrecs(recin)); } /* if exited loop before end-of-file */ if (!reof(recin)) { exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } The echo program reads standard input using recin, the recio equivalent to stdin. For output the recio library provides recout, recerr, and recprn. The rgetrec function returns a pointer to the record buffer, but the echo program did not use a variable to hold a pointer to the string (although it could have). Instead, the record buffer was accessed through the rrecs macro, which provides a pointer to the record buffer. Since rgetrec returns NULL on either error or end-of-file, your program needs to find out which condition occurred. You can use either the reof function or the rerror function to determine this. The echo program uses the reof function; the wc program in section 2.2 uses the rerror function. The echo program just exits with a failure status if an error occurred before the end of the file was reached. 2.2 Line, Word, and Character Counting The power of the recio library comes from its facilities to break records into fields and from the many functions that operate on fields. Because the default field delimiter is the space character (which breaks on any whitespace), the default behavior is equivalent to subdividing a line of text into words. The wc program counts lines, words, and characters for files specified on the command line. /* wc.c - count lines, words, characters */ #include #include #include #include "recio.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int nf; /* number of files */ REC *rp; /* pointer to open record stream */ long nc, /* number of characters (not including line terminator) */ nw, /* number of words */ nl; /* number of lines */ /* loop through all files */ for (nf=1; nf < argc; nf++) { /* open record stream */ rp = ropen(argv[nf], "r"); if (!rp) { if (errno == ENOENT) { printf("ERROR: Could not open %s\n", argv[nf]); continue; } else { printf("FATAL ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* initialize */ nc = nw = 0; rsetfldch(rp, ' '); rsettxtch(rp, ' '); /* loop through all lines (records) */ while (rgetrec(rp)) { /* count number of characters in line w/o '\n' */ nc += strlen(rrecs(rp)); /* count number of words (fields) */ nw += rnumfld(rp); } /* if exited loop on error rather than end-of-file */ if (rerror(rp)) { printf("ERROR reading %s - %s\n", rnames(rp), rerrstr(rp)); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* get number of lines (records) */ nl = rrecno(rp); /* output results */ printf("%s: %ld %ld %ld\n", rnames(rp), nl, nw, nc); /* close record stream */ rclose(rp); } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } If ropen() fails, the wc program goes to the trouble to check errno for ENOENT rather than just assuming that the failure was caused by a missing file. The wc program also sets the field and text delimiters even though it is unneccessary here since they are the same as the default values. If you wanted to read a comma-delimited file, you could set the the delimiters to rsetfldch(rp, ','); rsettxtch(rp, '"'); which allows you to also read text fields containing commas by delimiting the text with quotes, such as "Hello, World." Fields are counted using the rnumfld function, which counts all the fields in the current record. In reading a data file, you could use rnumfld() to count the number of fields each time a record is read. This would give you a quick check that the expected number of fields was found prior to processing the record. The recio library gives you more control over your input data than stdio. If the last field is missing from a data file, fscanf() starts reading the next line. In a file with a complex structure, it can be difficult to tell where you are when something goes awry. Sometimes every record in a file has a different format. The recio library has functions you can use to always find out where you are. You only get the next record when you use the rgetrec function. The character count does not include any line termination characters. The recio library strips these out of the record buffer. 2.3 Field Functions For most programs you will want to use the recio functions that read or write data. Functions are available to read and write integer, unsigned integer, long, unsigned long, float, double, time (time_t and struct tm), character, and string data types. There are two types of field functions: those that deal with character delimited fields (such as comma-delimited) and those that deal with column delimited fields (such as an integer between columns 1 and 5). Each type is further divided in two: one for numeric data in base 10 and the other for numeric data in any base from 2 to 36. Class Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- r character delimited fields; next field; numeric data in base 10 rc column delimited fields; from column; numeric data in base 10 rn character delimited fields; from field; numeric data in base 10 rb character delimited fields; next field; numeric data in any base rcb column delimited fields; from column; numeric data in any base rnb character delimited fields; from field; numeric data in any base A mnemonic system makes it easy to construct the name of any function you want. There are six prefixes (one for each class), two bodies (get reads data; put writes data), ten suffixes (one for each data type). The rb, rcb, and rnb prefixes are used only with the i, l, ui, and ul suffixes. also the rn and rnb prefixes are used only with the get body. Prefix Body Suffix Prefix Body Suffix ------ ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ r get c rb get i rc put d rcb put l rn f rnb ui i ul l s t tm ui ul Example: The rbgetui() function takes record pointer and base arguments, and returns an unsigned integer. Additional information on these functions is found in the text file SPEC.TXT. 2.4 Error Handling Rather than checking errno and rerror() for errors after each call to a recio function, or checking the return value from those functions that return an error value, you can register a callback error function using the rseterrfn function. The error function gives you one convenient place to handle all recio errors. As you write your error function, you will find that the recio library provides many useful functions for determining and reporting the location and type of error. The dif program reads through two files line by line looking for the first difference between the two files. It uses a very simple callback error function that just reports the error and then exits the program. /* dif.c - locate line where two text files first differ */ #include #include #include #include #include "recio.h" /* simple callback error function */ void rerrfn(REC *rp) { if (risvalid(rp)) { fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: %s - %s\n", rnames(rp), rerrstr(rp)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } exit(2); } /* file open failure error function */ void fopenerr(char *filename) { fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: %s - %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); exit(2); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int errorlevel=1; /* return errorlevel (1=files different; 0=same) */ REC *rp1; /* record pointer for first file */ REC *rp2; /* record pointer for second file */ if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: dif file1 file2\n"); exit(2); } /* register callback error function */ rseterrfn(rerrfn); /* open first record stream */ rp1 = ropen(argv[1], "r"); if (!rp1 && errno == ENOENT) fopenerr(argv[1]); /* open second record stream */ rp2 = ropen(argv[2], "r"); if (!rp2 && errno == ENOENT) fopenerr(argv[2]); /* read files line by line */ for (;;) { rgetrec(rp1); rgetrec(rp2); /* if neither file has reached the end */ if (!reof(rp1) && !reof(rp2)) { if (strcmp(rrecs(rp1), rrecs(rp2))) { printf("Files first differ at line %ld\n\n", rrecno(rp1)); printf("%s:\n%s\n\n", rnames(rp1), rrecs(rp1)); printf("%s:\n%s\n\n", rnames(rp2), rrecs(rp2)); break; } /* if file 1 ended first */ } else if (reof(rp1) && !reof(rp2)) { printf("File %s ends before file %s\n\n", rnames(rp1), rnames(rp2)); break; /* if file 2 ended first */ } else if (!reof(rp1) && reof(rp2)) { printf("File %s ends before file %s\n\n", rnames(rp2), rnames(rp1)); break; /* else both files have reached the end simultaneously */ } else { printf("Files %s and %s are identical\n", rnames(rp1), rnames(rp2)); errorlevel = 0; break; } } rcloseall(); return errorlevel; } One important kind of error is the data error. Data errors occur when data values are too large or too small, when fields contain illegal characters, or when data is missing. Your error function can correct data errors either through algorithms (such as the rfix functions used in the test programs) or by asking the user for a replacement value. For an example of a callback error function that handles data errors, see the TESTCHG.C source code. A skeleton code structure for a callback error function is given in the file DESIGN.TXT. 2.5 Warnings Warnings are less serious than errors and for some programs you may well decide that they do not need to be considered. The primary differences between errors and warnings come into play if you decide to ignore them by not registering callback error and warning functions. On error, the recio library stores the error number and stops reading or writing the record stream. On warning, the recio library continues to read or write the record stream, and only stores the warning number until another warning comes along to replace it. If you check the error number just before closing a record stream, you get the number of the first error encountered. On the other hand, if you check the warning number at this point, you get the last warning. Warnings are handled with a set of routines analogous to the error handling routines. What kinds of warnings can you get? One warning lets you know if you have read in an empty data string. Another warning occurs if you write to a columnar field and the width between the columns is too small to hold the data. You will find some examples of callback warning functions in the source code for the test programs. A skeleton code structure for a callback warning function is given in the file DESIGN.TXT. Simple callback error and warning functions rerrmsg and rwarnmsg are now included in the RECIO library. In the initial prototyping stages of development, you may wish to use these functions rather than taking the time to develop your own functions. Later you can substitute more robust callback functions. 3.0 WHAT NOW? That's it for this brief introduction. Next, if you haven't already done so, spend a few minutes running the test programs and perusing the test source code. Then to study the recio functions in more detail, move on to the remaining documentation. 4.0 REFERENCES Kernighan, B.W. and Ritchie, D.M. The C Programming Language, Second Edition. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988. Plauger, P.J. The Standard C Library. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992.