+++Date last modified: 02-Nov-1995 =====[ Ed Hopper's BBS #1 ]=====[ 8-04-91 ]=====[ 9:55.22 ]===== Date: 08-02-91 (09:40) C-Lang Number: 26406 (Echo) To: ALL From: JOSEPH CARNAGE Read: 08-03-91 (10:56) City: DUNEDIN FL Last On: 02-28-91 (22:53) Subj: Portable, clean code #1 How to write portable clean source code --------------------------------------- A common concern with programmers new to Axiom is writing portable code. There a number of tricks and guide lines which may help with this. In no particular order: -- Use full ANSI prototypes with all arguments declared. For function pointers, declare their expected arguments. For prototypes for functions which accept function pointers, do not declare the expected arguments for the function pointer argument. It is good practice to put dummy variable names in prototypes as this adds readability. -- Explicitly type all variables and functions. Never rely on them defaulting to int. -- Pay a little care to the ternary operator ? :, and parenthesize heavily. A very few compilers have problems with the default order of evaluation for the ternary operator. -- Never ever name a variable identically to a function. This is most especially true of statics or globals. This sort of error can cause weird hidden linker problems which cause bizarre results at runtime and are difficult to trace. -- Never ever name a screen, form, data field etc identically to a variable or function as this can cause weird and non-reported linker errors in the final executable which can be very difficult to locate. -- Do not nest comments. If you want to block off a section of code temporarily, use #ifdef/#endif. eg. ...code... #ifdef JUNK /* Unwanted code */ ...more code... #endif /* JUNK */ ...yet more code... -- Run PC-Lint on all code, and handle ALL errors and warnings. -- Read the "Frequently Asked Questions" document and understand fully. -- Read K&R thoroughly and everywhere it mentions "implementation dependant", or "new" features not "supported by all compilers", avoid those areas. Examples are bit fields, passing structures to functions, returning structures from functions, and the volatile type. These are not supported by all compilers. -- In areas where the ANSI standard advances on the old K&R, but still allows the K&R form, follow K&R. An example is using function pointers. If you are unsure what areas this covers, don't worry, just stick with K&R. eg. Given: int (*prj_afunc) (); /* Pointer to function which returns int */ ANSI allows the pointed to function be called as so: prj_afunc (xxx, yyy); K&R specifies that it should be called: *prj-afunc (xxx, yyy); Use the K&R form, which ANSI still allows, and all compilers support. -- Do not use the new // comments. Stay with the /* comment */ form. -- Do not indent #ifdefs, #defines, #pragmas, or other preprocessor directives. Some compilers allow code as such: #ifdef DEBUG #define TEST 1 #endif or #ifdef FINAL # ifdef DEBUG # define TEST 1 # endif #endif But by no means all. Use white space if needed to delineate #ifdef/endif blocks and comment liberally: #ifdef FINAL #ifdef DEBUG #define TEST 1 #endif /* DEBUG*/ #endif /* FINAL */ -- Do not use the ANSI string literal concatenation features. eg. printf ("This is ANSI but" "unportable code.\n"); for long string literals. Under ANSI the compiler should concatenate the two string literals into one, but not all ANSI compilers support this feature yet. If you need a very long string literal use a form as so: printf ("%s%s", "this is", "portable code.\n"); or just use a very long string literal. -- Stay away from ints except for trash and temp values. Ints vary in size depending upon the memory model under DOS, and legally may be any size between shorts and longs inclusive. Try to use shorts or longs if possible, as these are of fairly constant size on most platforms. On most platforms, but by no means all, shorts are usually words and longs word pairs. -- Beware of assigning a pointer of one type to a pointer of a higher type. Most platforms seem to insist that the addresses stored in pointers are aligned per the pointer's base type. What this means is that the value stored in a pointer to a long, in itself will be aligned as a long is. If longs are aligned on even word boundaries, then so will the value of long pointer. This can result in memory alignment errors which can be extremely difficult to track down. Casting will not help. DOS has few memory alignment requirements, but for Unix and VMS you can expect types to be aligned to their sizes (see the compiler manuals for specifics). What this means to pointers is that with code such as: short *pj2_value; /* Assume that shorts are aligned to words */ long *pj4_number; /* and longs to even word boundaries */ pj4_number = pj2_value; that the value assigned to pj4_number may be as far as two bytes different from that in pj2_value. ie Let's say that the address stored is pj2_value is: *pj2_value == 0000:0006 /* Aligned to word */ and you make the assignment: pj4_number = pj2_value; After this, the value of pj4_number will be either 0000:0004, or 0000:0008 to shift it to even word alignment. The direction of the shift seems to be compiler/implementation dependant. This bug is often erratic at runtime depending upon the alignment of automatics. This sort of bug is especially difficult to track when coming up from a void pointer. -- Be wary of relying on memory alignment in structures and unions. Different compiler implementations align differently, and #pragmas or command line arguments to the compiler can change alignment at compile time. See the compiler manuals for specific details. This will usually require you to either read in each member individually, or to perform explicit padding when reading structure data from disk. eg. lic1.c & v_lic_pad() in the Axiom library. -- Where possible use sizeof(identifier) rather than sizeof(type) or a #defined constant. This can help in tracing down bugs and makes for greater readability. eg. #define M_DATA 100 short aj2_numbers[M_DATA]; /* This example requires the reader to remember that aj2_numbers has M_DATA elements, is overly complex, and presumes that aj2_numbers will always be shorts. This code will likely break if anything is later changed. */ memcpy (aj2_numbers, pj2_input, M_DATA * sizeof (short)); /* This is ideal -- sizeof(aj2_numbers) will return the total space allocated to the array, no matter what the type may be, or what is changed later. It makes no assumptions of the reader. */ memcpy (aj2_numbers, pj2_input, sizeof (aj2_numbers)); -- Beware of comparing structures or unions with functions such as memcmp() as the padding/alignment spaces will have random and likely different values. If you need to compare structures you'll have to do it member by member. -- Never assign structures to each other directly. Some compilers allow structure assignments, some don't. struct t_data s_struc1; struct t_data s_struc2; s_struc2 = s_struc1; /* Unportable code */ Note however that you can copy structures via pointers as need be: struct t_data *ps_struc1; struct t_data *ps_struc2; ps_struc1 = xxx; ps_struc2 = yyy; *ps_struc2 = *ps_struc1; /* Copy structure 1 to 2 */ Rather than assigning each member over individually. The functions memcpy() and memmove() are other portable ways. -- Beware of passing chars or shorts to functions. These get promoted to ints, and with some compilers problems from there on out abound horrendously. This is especially true of chars where some compilers occasionally extract the wrong byte from the promoted int in the receiving function. -- Be careful passing floats to functions as some compilers promote floats to doubles when passing them as an argument. This can cause spurious warnings and strange side effects. -- Explicitly cast assignments and expressions as needed, and carefully watch that you really don't need to make those identifiers of that type originally. While the promotion order is constant across implementations, the size of the types aren't. This can cause difficult side effects. If your code needs a lot of casts to get past Lint, then you probably need to rethink some of your approaches. -- Take care to cast all #defined constants if in doubt. For large values (longs), always cast as longs, or place an 'L' at the end of the constant. Some compilers handle this area erratically if left up to them. -- Never ever rely on order of evaluation of function parameters. This can occur when listing a function call as a parameter to another function, or as an unintentional side effect from passing assignments or function calls as parameters. char *pc_modify (char *); printf ("This string [%s] becomes [%s]\n", pc_string, pc_modify (pc_string)); /* Bad code */ -- Do not use NULL for anything but pointers. Do not use NULL for string terminations: use the ASCII constant NUL, '\0', or a #defined type which equates to that. -- Never EVER pass a #defined macro an incremented or decremented value (++,or --) or an assignment as a parameter. This is because many #defined macros may reference their arguments multiple times. This is especially true of the macros #defined in ctype.h. eg. #define iscsymf(c) (isalpha(c) || ((c) == '_')) If called as so: iscsym(var++); it will be expanded by the preprocessor to: (isalpha(var++) || ((var++) == '_')) with var being incremented twice. -- Avoid passing any functions incremented or decremented values ("++" or "--"), or assignments. Some standard and commercial library calls are actually #defined macros. This type of "error" can lead to order of evaluation problems as different compilers process function arguments in different orders. -- Explicitly initialise pointers. Do not rely on calloc(), memset() or other such functions to initialise pointers. Initialise them explicitly. "K&R" as mentioned above refers to "The C Programming Language" written by Brian W Kernighan & Dennis M Ritchie. "PC-Lint" is a commercial version of Lint for the PC, as sold by Gimpel Software. PC-Lint is generally acknowledged as the tightest and most discerning Lint on any platform. There are several books which cover the areas of portable code which may also help: "C Programming Guidelines" by Thomas Plum pub. by Plum Hall ISBN 0-911537-03-1 "Portability and the C Language" by Rex Jaeschke pub. by Hayden Books ISBN 0-672-48428-5 "Portable C Software" by Mark R. Horton pub. by Prentice Hall ISBN 0-13-868050-7 "Portable C" by Henry Rabinowitz & Chaim Schaap pub. by Prentice Hall ISBN 0-13-685967-4 "Portable C and Unix System Programming" by J.E. Lapin pub. Prentice-Hall ISBN 0-13-686494-5 [END]