+++Date last modified: 28-Aug-1996 This is the new C++ release of my comment utilities, a C version of which was already in a previous SNIPPETS release. There is not much documentation -- I hope the code speaks for itself. The "heart" of the program is implemented as a finite state machine which parses the source files and also is an abstract base class for all the utilities. There are four utilities: CMTCONVR - comment converter: converts C++ comments to C comments. CMTCOUNT - comment counter: checks the balance of /* */ and counts commented lines. CMTREMOV - comment remover: removes comments from a source file (output file contains plain code) CMTXTRAC - comment extractor: extracts comments from source file (output file contains all comments) The package contains also a test file, CMTTESTS.C which has a bunch of different styles of commenting -- some of which are quite perverse :-) // Albert email: jla@to.icl.fi