[!] = BUGFIX [+] = NEW FEATURE [-] = CHANGED [*] = ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE REGISTERED VERSION! ****************************************************************************** The Decoding Engine (TDE V1.0) is based on my shareware program called TID... For some reasons I changed the name from TID to TDE and started again at V1.0! IMPORTANT: ========== - FOR SYSOPS: Please REMOVE the files TID-V*.* from your BBS,FTP,WWW,etc.!!! - FOR USERS OF TID: DELETE all TID.* files! - FOR REGISTERED USERS OF TID: You will now be registered users of TDE (; - The registration fee for TDE is $25 (US$) or 25,- DM - From now on I will not accept any *NEW* TID-Registrations!!! (Register TDE!) ****************************************************************************** CHANGES FROM TID V2.0 to TDE V1.0 [9-9-96] ========================================== - Revised docs! OLD "TID"-USERS: I STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO READ THE DOCS AGAIN!!! * Now TDE will set all decoded msg's in XP to 'remove'-Status! / OPTIONAL + Added "/L" parameter! + Added automatic JPG-fixing (decreases 'JPG-errors') - TDE will now decode single buffers up to 953,4 MB! (hope this is enough ;) (With the "/L" parameter you can decode 10*943,4 MB / that is about 9 GB!) + Added more options to the config-menu - Error-descriptions will now be appended to an existing ERROR.LOG-file! (In prior versions, a new !ERROR.LOG was created after each start...) - Minor changes in the status-screen - Improved 'PART'-detection - Improved 'ERROR'-detection - Decreased appearance of Shareware-Screens (more unregistered-user-friendly) ! Removed major bug in filename-detection! ! Removed major bug in decoding very LARGE buffers KNOWN PROBLEMS OF TDE V1.0: =========================== In the registered version: -IF- you use CJPEG.EXE to convert GFX to JPG you should have sorting on and you should have a \JPG subdirectory - If not, then TDE *CAN* hang! BTW: I AM STILL SEARCHING FOR TECHNICAL DOCS FOR BINHEX & SHIP EN/DECODERS!