T Interpreter, version 2.0 IMPORTANT NOTICE: The T interpreter is a shareware computer program. You may use it for free. It has been developed and tested on IBM PC compatible computers under Windows 3.1. While a substantial effort has been made to ensure that the T interpreter software error free, all computer software by its complex nature is likely to have some undiscovered errors. The author will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages which you may incur, including incidental and consequential damages. This allows the author to provide this software for your use. You must determine whether it or any sample programs provided are suitable for your own use. INSTALLING THE T INTERPRETER 1. Start Window's File Manager utility. Select drive which has distribution diskette. Find the file named "setup.exe" in the list of files on the diskette. Using the mouse, run "setup.exe" by double clicking on it. 2. Alternatively, you can install the T Interpreter by using the "File Run..." command of the Window's Program Manager. 3. The setup program will create a directory on your hard disk, install the executable and sample program files to your system, and create a new program group and icon. 4. After the installation of the new program is complete, you can run the program by double-clicking the program icon. SOURCE CODE AVAILABILITY This application was developed using the C programming language and uses the Windows 3.1 Application Programming Interface. If you purchase this source code from the copyright owner, the author below, you will have a right to use, or modify the source files for the T interpreter in any way you find useful, provided that you agree that the copyright owner, the author, has no warranty, obligations or liability for any of the source files for the T interpreter. To order the source code please send $150 US to the author: Stephen R. Schmitt 962 Depot Road Boxborough MA 01719 specify either 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch floppy diskette. These will be forwarded to you within 60 days. The disks will be replaced for free if defective.