REVIEWS.TXT Recent reviews of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit ------------------------------------------------- * The August 13th 1996 edition of the Daily Telegraph examined half a dozen anti-virus products with Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit coming top with the highest score. * The August 1996 edition of Network Computing magazine printed the results of its "Readers Choice Awards, 1996". Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit beat a number of other anti-virus products to take top place in the anti-virus category. * The June 1996 edition of Virus Bulletin tested Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows 95: "All round, an excellent performance from the Toolkit". * The May 1996 edition of Secure Computing conducted an exhaustive comparative review of Windows 95 anti-virus products. Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit was awarded "Editor's Choice" and described as "The best overall anti-virus product". * The April 1996 edition of Micro Mart reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows 95: "The Toolkit is a cocktail of remedies to prevent, detect and repair the effects of virus attack". * The April 5 issue of PC Computing tested a range of different Windows 95 anti-virus software, with Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit receiving the highest recommendation. * The April 3 issue of PC User conducted a comparative review of Windows 95 anti-virus software concluding: "If you want to customise everything easily and feel secure about what's happening behind the scenes, then Dr Solomon's is the product for you." * The April 1996 edition of Network Computing reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for NetWare describing it as having "won more awards than I care to remember. The product was one of the first of its kind and a continual update process has seen it maintain its position". * The March 1996 edition of Windows Plus magazine reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows 95 describing it as "a best seller and regular award winner for years.. Dr Solomon's is among the very best.. it's a must". The magazine awarded the Toolkit the title of "Windows Plus Best Buy". * The March 1996 edition of What PC? conducted a comprehensive comparative review of Windows 95 anti-virus products with Dr Solomon's winning the top accolade of "Best Buy": "Our top recommendation has to go to Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit. This was the only product, besides Sweep, to detect every virus. But, as well as first-class virus detection it provides full protection under both Windows and DOS, a repair facility, and can check archive files without first unpacking them". * The March 1996 edition of PC Pro reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows 95. Its verdict was that Dr Solomon's "remains the definitive PC anti-virus package" and was awarded the top title of "PC Pro Recommended". * The February 7 1996 edition of PC User conducted a comparative review of network anti-virus products. Dr Solomon's for NetWare, Windows NT, and Windows 95 beat all other products winning the top accolade of "Recommended": "The best product for overall virus detection was Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit. It's a good, large-scale solution with virtually identical interfaces across all platforms". * The February 1996 edition of PC Lan reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows 95 and detected all the viruses it was tested against. The review concluded: "An excellent anti-virus product that keeps getting better. Windows 95 users who want peace of mind should check it out". * The February 1996 edition of What PC? reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows 95 describing it as "one of the leading virus detection and removal packages.. a comprehensive anti-virus package that no computer user should be without". * The January 22 edition of PC Week reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows 95 commenting that it "fared very well in PC Week Labs' virus-detection tests, finding infected fiules whether they were on a disk, on a network, or downloaded over a modem... Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit has excellent scanning routines for detecting unknown viruses, and its Virus Encyclopedia is the best online resource for virus information that PC Weeks Labs has seen". * The January 1996 edition of Secure Computing conducted a comprehensive comparative review of over 20 anti-virus products. Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit detected more viruses than any other product winning Editor's Choice: "Dr Solomon's AVTK - last year's leading product - once again turned in immaculate scanning performances this year. Its features and high quality support make this a worthy Editor's Choice". * The January 1996 edition of PC Guide reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit, describing it as "unmatchable in speed, detection and usability". * In the December 1995 edition of BYTE magazine Jerry Pournelle praised the Toolkit: "I recommend Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit. They have a good track record of early detection and disarming of new virus threats, and I like their approach". * The December 1995 edition of Virus Bulletin reviewed the NetWare version of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit praising its "excellent detection rate" which accurately detected 100% of both the "In the Wild" and "Polymorphic" test-sets. * The December 1995 edition of Windows Sources reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows 95 describing it as "remarkably accurate.. It may be your data's best protection under Windows 3.x and 95". * The December 1995 edition of PC Direct published a compendium of "The Best of Everything". Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit was awarded the title of The Best AntiVirus Software: "If you want a package that will kill all known viruses dead then look no further than Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit... you couldn't buy a better product". * The December 1995 edition of Personal Computer World conducted a comparative review of anti-virus software, awarding Dr Solomon's the accolade of "Editor's Choice": "Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit is an outstanding piece of software". * The November 6 edition of InfoWorld reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for NetWare: "Detection rate was 100 percent.. Much improved interface; feature rich; fast scanner; top-tier virus and trojan horse detection rate; excellent disinfection capabilities... Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for NetWare offers top-notch protection against viruses; use it and you need have no worries about viruses creeping into your systems". * The November 1995 issue of LAN Magazine published a comparative review of anti-virus products for Windows NT, concluding: "Solomon's Toolkit detected more viruses in the main test set of 5000 different file viruses than any other product... for a single NT server, or a number of NT workstations, the best product is Dr Solomon's Toolkit which gave excellent virus detection results". * The November 1995 edition of What PC and Software awarded Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit the title "Best Seller 95" in the anti-virus software category: "One of the most successful virus protection tools available.. leads the rest of the world". * Microcomputer Journal (Nov/Dec 1995) reviewed Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit: "Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit is everything it's claimed to be. It's effective ... it worked for me when a half-dozen other packages failed to perform - and easy to use. It has what it takes to give peace of mind to a skeptic like me in terms of keeping my PC from succumbing to the ravages of viral infection..this terrific program..I can't recommend a better purchase than Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit." * On October 2 1995 a journalist reported in the Washington Post that Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit was the only product which could clean up his Form-infected Windows 95 machine. He described the Toolkit as "the heavy artillery of the anti-virus arsenal". * The October 1995 edition of Secure Computing selected Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit as Editor's Choice in its heuristics comparative review: "We awarded the Editor's Choice to this package because in our tests it demonstrated effective heuristic analysis, it detected most viruses and, most impressively, it produced no false alarms on our 2.8Gb test set". * The October 1995 edition of PC Magazine awarded Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for NetWare the accolade of "Editor's Choice": "Quite simply the most effective package when it comes to detecting and deactivating viruses, Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit is way ahead of its rivals. It provides peace of mind owing to its ability to act on such a wide variety of viruses. With this package you can install it and then virtually forget about it... With its wealth of features, Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit is once again placed at the top" * PC Week (US Edition) published a comparative review of anti-virus products in their September 18 1995 edition. Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit was the best performer: "We were most impressed with the protection afforded by Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit. It was the only one of the five that detected all the viruses in our testbed... probably the best virus-protection package of the bunch". * PC World Norge published a comparative review of anti-virus products in their September 1995 edition in collaboration with Virus Bulletin. Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit won the award of "Best in Test" commenting "The highest virus detection of any program tested.. very impressive". * The August 1995 edition of PC Plus reviewed version 7.1 of the Toolkit: "[Dr Solomon's AVTK] has always been one of the best ways to protect your PC from virus attack. Now it is faster and much more powerful, providing more protection at a time when the danger of virus infection is greater than ever." * The July 95 edition of Windows User reviewed version 7 of the Toolkit: "Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit is the sort of program that no one should be without... a powerful, easy-to-use and highly effective weapon in the on-going war against viruses". * In June 95 Micro Mart reviewed version 7 of the Toolkit concluding, "This release has the power to find more viruses than ever before.. Peace of mind from virus attacks is available from all good software vendors now. Simply ask for Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit". * The June 95 edition of PC Direct reviewed version 7 of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit: "Dr Solomon excels in virus identification. The scanner, FindVirus, is a leader when it comes to detection rates, sailing through our tests with ease... Dr Solomon's AVTK has got a well-deserved reputation as one of the most reliable and effective antivirus products. Version 7 is better than previous incarnations: its detection rate is unmatched, its operating speed is good and its memory resident monitor takes up very little memory... For first line protection against viruses you couldn't buy a better product" * In the same edition PC Direct announced their 50 top products of the year (as voted for by its readers). Dr Solomon's won the anti-virus category: "Lauded at home and abroad, this UK-developed antivirus product is one of the few packages to have continued to prove its worth against international opposition". * The May 1995 edition of Virus Bulletin reviewed version 7 of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit: "The product has a long-standing reputation for high detection rates, and performs consistently well in DOS scanner comparative reviews. It remains excellent at detection, and extra facilities for inspecting within compressed and archived files add to its impressive armoury... Version 7 of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit gets a hearty recommendation from me." * The May 1995 edition of What PC? magazine reviewed version 7 of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit describing it as "the best version yet of Europe's leading anti-virus product.. [Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit] has long enjoyed a reputation as one of the most complete and effective anti-virus solutions". * The May 1995 edition of CD ROM User reported on the Windows '95 show held in London. It awarded S&S International a prize for most impressive presentation and commented "Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit is one of the best products of its type available". * The May 1995 edition of Secure Computing reviewed version 7 of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit describing it as easier-to-use and "much more powerful... Authoritative; clean powerful performance and excellent documentation" "Features .................... 5/5 Ease of use (novice) ........ 4/5 Ease of use (professional) .. 5/5 Support ..................... 5/5 Performance ................. 5/5 Value for money ............. 5/5 Overall ..................... 5/5" * The April 1995 edition of LAN Magazine reviewed version 7 of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit and described it as "consistently ranked as the top product and most up-to-date scanner in independent surveys". * The April 1995 edition of PCLAN magazine reviewed version 7 of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit and concluded: "A combination of high detection rates, good documentation and excellent support make Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit one of the best protection packages on the market". * The March 1995 edition of What PC studied a range of anti-virus packages, with Dr Solomon's coming first in virus detection. Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit was awarded with the title of "Recommended" and described as "an excellent product". * The March 1995 edition of Computer Buyer Middle East conducted a comparative review of anti-virus products awarding Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit the highest accolade of Editor's Choice: "All in all this is a truly excellent piece of software". * The February 1995 edition of Secure Computing concluded its two month comparative review of anti-virus products by awarding Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit "best overall product". * The January 1995 edition of Virus Bulletin magazine conducted a comparative review of over 20 anti-virus products. The review concludes: "There is no question about this being the toughest Virus Bulletin Comparative Review ever carried out. The viruses used in the polymorphic test-set have been carefully chosen to include new samples, in order to highlight those vendors which are keeping their products up-to-date. These enhancements have stretched the field, leaving one clear winner in terms of detection. The top product in terms of virus detection was Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit". In the wild: 100% Boot sector: 100% Standard : 100% Polymorphic: 99.5% * The January 1995 edition of Secure Computing also conducted a comparative review of anti-virus products awarding Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit the highest accolade of Editor's Choice. CompuServe: GO DRSOLOMON WorldWide Web: Anonymous ftp: