Clipboard Expander 2.4 ( This program is a Windows 3.1 Clipboard expander. It gives the user access to the last 12 unique text items saved to the Clipboard. Clips in the expander can be moved back to the Clipboard by double clicking on that clip which also moves the selected clip to the first position of the expander. Clips can also be edited and portions of clips can be cut or copied to the Clipboard. A clip can be deleted from the expander by pressing the numbered button next to it. This program is freeware. It may be registered with a postcard and donations are gratefully accepted. This program self-installs. This program may be freely distributed provided no charge is made for that distribution except to recover the costs of materials and postage. Both the executable and the help file must be transmitted together. Version 2.4 tightens the code so that the Expander uses fewer system resources. In case of questions, contact me by e-mail at