======================= COMMANDER FINAL ======================= Registration Information: (A very fast process) Please send $5 US Funds in the form of check, money order, or US dollars to the following address along with your Email address and the name of the program which you are registering. Your registration code will be Emailed ASAP to your Email address when I recieve your donation of $5. Thank you very much, Carson Carson Weber Commander 28220 Steeplechase Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 Designed for Windows 95 - 32 bit by Carson Weber carson@boerne.com http://www.boerne.com/carson Installation: 1. Put commandr.exe in any folder and run it from there. 2. VB Runtime Files are required. You may download these files from the Internet at various locations if you do not already have them on your system. Currently, you may find these Visual Basic Runtime Files at the Commander Home Page which is located at this URL: http://www.boerne.com/carson/programs/commander Introduction: Commander v1.00 was written as beta for use by those that intend to use this software for personal use. When I was looking at my Windows 95 interface and noticed that just about everything required a "mouse click", I became frustrated because using the keyboard is much easier and accessable at times. This program will allow the user to run as many programs as they would like using personal "aliases"; in this way, you will never again have to look for a .LNK icon or go to the Start/Programs Menu. Now you can just switch to Commander, type in your alias, and run your program quickly and efficiently without much hassle at all. Commander v1.20 was written as an extension of v1.00 with several new features which greatly enhance the performance of Commander and enable it with several new abilities. Version 1.50 was coded purely to enhance the features of v1.20, without any real bux fixes. I felt that a few features such as how the aliases were displayed could be improved upon, and I added some new options which only make using commander all the much more enjoyable and easy. This is the Final Version of Commander. After having recieved bug reports from various people and figuring out better ways to improve upon the code, I have finished the code for this program and am proud to offer it to the public in its completed version. Basic Commands from the Text Line: aliases : displays the "aliases" window exit : shuts down commander hide : hides commander Features of v1.00: + Quick use of personal aliases to run programs from a text line + Clean index of Alias, Paths, and Run Modes easily displayed in a list + If the path of an alias is invalid, then the alias is ignored + Multiple identical aliases are not permitted + Control + A displays the "aliases" window + Number of Aliases displayed in "aliases" window + Run Mode can be identified for program as follows: Normal Minimized Maximized Added/Fixed in v1.20: + Icon shown in tray + Left clicking icon in tray hides/displays commander + Right click icon in tray for popup menu + "help" window added + "help/about" windows close when is pressed + "Always on Top" feature added (control + t) + Took out "minimize" feature + Basic commands added: help, hide, notontop, ontop + Added 2 command line arguments: /t program is run with "on top always" feature enabled /h program is run hidden with icon in tray Added/Fixed in v1.50 + Command line arguments were removed; they are no longer needed + Run on startup feature added + Run hidden feature added + Aliases now appear in one list box so that they align properly + Output file changed from a data file included with the program to a simple ini file that is kept in the system directory + When adding aliases' paths, the find box will now automatically start in the last place you searched in for quicker/faster addition of aliases Added/Fixed in Final: + Fixed creation of excess temp files in Windows Temp Directory. + Reduced more programming code + Reduced the size of the program in kilobytes so that it would be more easily available for download over the Internet. + Took out some basic commands, simplified use Closing Comments: This program has undergone beta testing and now in its completed version is available as shareware. I only ask for a simple $5 US Funds for this program. If you feel that it is a must to have and very useful, then please register it. With this program, you can easily access all of your programs quickly by only typing a word. Also, please feel free to distribute this program among your friends. It would be greatly appreciated that you would Email me if you enjoy this program. Any feedback is always good to hear! I would like to thank those that have sent bug reports and comments to me because they were all appreciated and acted upon. Remember: "Life is one huge inspiration, one thought at a time." Copyright ©1996 Carson Weber - All Rights Reserved