FDwin for Windows95 --- History ---------------------------------------------------------------- oct. 22. 1996 - v1.0.6 Released ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What does it do? I allways found it difficult to access folders when you have a lot of them. So i wrote FDwin to get quick access to folders. You seek on folder names on all of your disks (eg C:,D:, E: etc.) If a folder with the exact name is found, and there is only one, this folder is opened. If there is more than one you get to pick the one you want. If there is no exact match, you get a list of the foldernames wich include the text you search for. (You go directly there if there is only one). After the folder is opened the program shuts down. How to install it? Just unzip the exe file and put it anywhere. I find it usefull to have it on the "desk" and make a key shortcut to it ex. CTRL+F12, then you have it right by. How to uninstall FDwin? Delete the exefile and FDwin.ini & FDwin.dat in the windows folder. How does it work? I scans the disks from the "Drives" parameter in the FDwin.ini file. By default it only includes "C" but just ad all the drives you want to scan. (ex. "Drives=CDEP" scans drive C:,D:,E: and P:) While scanning a datafile is made (FDwin.dat) and this is where it searches for the information. It then uses "explorer.exe" to open the folder so please make sure that there is a legal PATH to "explorer.exe" (otherwise it won't work) With an other option i FDwin.ini you can specify that the folder is opened with explorer.exe if you choose. The program is written in BORLAND DELPHI 2.0. How long can i use it before registering? For 30 days. After that you will get a NAG screen every time you start it. But it will still work. However please register (it's free), i just wan't to see how big the interrest is for such a program. How to register? Fill out the register.txt and e-mail it to me. Please allow a few days for me to process the request. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS FREE TO REGISTER, so please do. Send questions/suggestions to Soren Poulsen slp@pobox.com http://www.pobox.com/~slp