I n t r o d u c i n g . . . /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ flipTech SwapMon 1.0 FINAL /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ written by Gary C - on IRC also known as Flipino, MrGiggles, SugarPie, and ClassOf97 ... (Well 2 of the nicks are for real.) eMail me at - flipino@visi.net look for all the files you might need (except Win95) on - http://members.visi.net/~flipino Congradulations, you are the proud owner of a pirated (just kidding) copy of flipTech SwapMon 1.0 Final edition for Windows 95. Up to this point the current requirements appear to be as follows: 1) Windows 95 -- might help 2) Visual Basic 4 32-bit Runtimes -- sorry, couldn't find a way around it without having to get and use a whole different language. (Delphi would have been that 2nd choice.) That should just about cover it. When you first run the EXE, it will probably say "bummer" or something and tell you the INI file wasn't located. Before you go eMailing me, let me asure you that it isn't supposed to come with one. It will make a INI file after you shut down the program. After you get the "bummer" message, a good idea would be to enter the location of your windows directory (probably c:\windows). Done already? Excellent. The rest of it should be pretty self-explanatory. If you have any problems feel free to eMail me at the above address. Thanks for your time, and hope you find this program useful one way or another. Gary C President, flipTech. Official Homepage: http://members.visi.net/~flipino [?] What's New? ... The final version implements a state-memory system. It basically remembers the last state of the SwapMon window which means if you quit the program minimized, it will reload minimized. [)(] Recorded in Dolby Surround [)(] October 7, 1996 @ 2:52pm