========================= TRAY DOS FINAL ========================= Registration Information: (A very fast process) Please send $5 US Funds in the form of check, money order, or US dollars to the following address along with your Email address and the name of the program that you are registering. Your registration code will be Emailed ASAP to your Email address when I recieve your donation of $5. Thank you very much, Carson Carson Weber Tray DOS 28220 Steeplechase Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 Designed for Windows 95 - 32 bit by Carson Weber carson@boerne.com http://www.boerne.com/carson Installation: 1. Put traydos.exe in any folder and run it from there. 2. VB Runtime Files are required. You may download these files from the Internet at various locations if you do not already have them on your system. Currently, you may find these Visual Basic Runtime Files at the Tray DOS Home Page which is located at this URL: http://www.boerne.com/carson/programs/traydos Introduction: Tray DOS is a small application which places an icon in the system tray, and when clicked once with the left mouse button, it will run MS DOS for you quickly, easily, and without any hassle. This is a great program for those that use DOS while in Windows often and need an easier way to access it! Right click on the icon and go to the Options Window to specify how you would like for Windows Explorer to be run: minimized or full screen as maximized. The Options Window also includes a "parameters" feature in which you may enter whatever parameters you would like MS DOS to be run with. Remember, this program is shareware so please register it if you find it as useful as I have! Features of Tray DOS: + Includes Options Menu where you can specify for MS DOS to be run as minimized or maximized. + You may specify if you would like for Traydos to be loaded into your tray every time you start up Windows + Provides space where you may run MS DOS (command.com) with any parameters if you would like to do so. + Very handy and a must need if you have Windows 95! Closing Comments: This program has undergone beta testing and now in its completed version is available as shareware. I only ask for a simple $5 US Funds for this program. If you feel that it is a must to have and very useful, then please register it. With it, you can easily access MS DOS with just the left click of a mouse button with serveral different options. Also, please feel free to distribute this program among your friends. It would be greatly appreciated that you would Email me if you enjoy this program. Any feedback is always good to hear! I would like to thank those that have sent bug reports and comments to me because they were all appreciated and acted upon. Remember: "Life is one huge inspiration, one thought at a time." Copyright ©1996 Carson Weber - All Rights Reserved