IGM Development Information for Jedi Knights Remember though that all third-party IGMs are not supported by Nelson Software Technologies, and we will not claim any kind of ownership or rights to the IGM(s) you write. It is totally up to YOU to support, distribute, and we will not take any responsiblity of any damages that may occur to the systems running your IGM(s) or systems connected to them. You don't need any kind of permission from us to write a IGM for Jedi Knights or even tell us that you are, we would like to know about it though :) Now that the unpleasent things are out of the way, lets continue. Well I am proud to annouce that Jedi Knights now supports IGMs (In-Game-Modules) its actually quite simple to write a IGM for Jedi Knights if you know just some basic programming, although Jedi Knights was written and compiled under Turbo Pascal 7.0 by no means do you need to use it, you can use qBasic, C/C++, TP or any other programming language you care to use. Getting the needed information from Jedi Knights is quite simple, when Jedi Knights executes a igm it will make a little "dropfile" which is plain text, and it will have the name of NODEx.DEF where X is the node number, similar to the DORINFOx.DEF dropfile, but it will contain all the stats, and modem information such as the com port and locked baud rate (the layout of this file will be explained later on in this text file) but make sure you rewrite this file on exit from your IGM, becuase if you don't any changes to the players stats will not be saved, and the file MUST be the exact same format. You may also want to edit the userfile directly from your IGM, if you need the Structure file for the user file, it is available on request from Jedi Realms (the number is in the SYSOP.DOC). You may also wish to obtain the data need from the dropfile that the bbs created for Jedi Knights, in which case you will need to have your IGM obtain the dropfile type from the JEDI.CFG file... and remember if you want to write your IGM so it is contained within its own directory, make sure on exit it changes the current directory back to the directory that Jedi Knights resides in. The only limitation on your IGM(s) is your imagination, creativity, and programming skill. For example you may make a IGM where you travel back in time to when Luke goes to Jabba The Hutt's Palace on Tantoonie to save his friend Han Solo, or you could send them on some wild little quest for the holy grail! Its totally up to you to decide what you want to do. Once last thing before I type out the Jedi Knights' dropfile layout, I would just like to let you know that IGM support is not crippled in anyway in the Unregistered Version of the game, although it would be nice if you as the author of your IGM would Register, its just one of those things where it is the morally right thing to do Now the drop file layout Starting on Line #1 it is as follows (#=numeric value) Jedi Knights Version Number # Com Port # Locked Baud Rate (0 if no locked baud rate) # Game Name Player Number # Max Hitpoints # Current Hitpoints # Attack Strength # Defence Strength # Experiance # Money on hand # Money in the Bank # Force/Skill Points # Fights Left today # Level # Weapon Number # Weapon Name Armor Number # Armor Name Player-Player fights # Player's Sex Player's Class Player Whom Married to (blank if none) Times Laid # Player Kills # Staying in the Inn ("yes" if true blank if false. without quotes) Now there is also a file Called IGM.DAT that resides in the Jedi Knights' directory... this file is also a straight plain-jane text file that follows this simple format any line starting with a ";" is a remark statement and is ignored except when place in the middle of the 3 line statement Line 1 of a statement is what will appear as the name of the program Line 2 is the programs path and filename Line 3 is any and all commandline switchs anytime a % is encountered on Line 3 the node number is passed, thus enabling your igm to know wether or not to look for NODE1.DEF, NODE2.DEF.. etc. here is a example IGM.DAT ; ;The Example IGM.DAT file ; Smuggler's Paradice! c:\doors\jedi\smuggler.exe /n% now when Jedi Knights gives the user the chance to execute the given IGM(s) the list within the game will look like this Other Stuff 1) Smuggler's Paradice! Well? You may even use the pipe color codes in Jedi Knights to give the choices a bit of style... say you have it so that Instead of "Smuggler's Paradice!" in the IGM.DAT you put |11Smuggler's |14Paradice!" when Jedi Knights displayed that entry the word Smuggler would be in Bright Cyan and Paradice would be in bright Yellow! If you have any questions about any of the information above feel free to contact either Ken Mills or Myself... information on how to do that is again in the SYSOP.DOC Take it Easy and have fun! -Martin Nelson Jedi Knights Author