Wibble Inc Software QuickLan 3.0 Beta 3 Authors HomePage http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/3767/ NOTE! I don't run Windows NT version 4.0 I would like to know if anyone have got quicklan working with Windows NT so I can build a database of machine it works/doesn't work on. thanks you. I am after beta testers for Quicklan. on diffrent type of system.. because i don't have the recources and the money to try it on other type of systems. so if you want to be come a beta tester for quicklan please send me a email telling me what your system setup is like. read the BETA.TXT that came with this archive. If you Encounter a bug please fill out the BUG.TXT that came with this archive and email it back to me. Thank you. Ideas for Quicklan 3.0 Beta 4 A Help file for the next version i hope of Quicklan Maybe Internet support e.g monitoring what web pages the logged on user has/is visiting. Put into the Registry Autorun Section. so it allways runs when a user log's onto the machine Allowing the normal user to select a application to automactily run at startup Allowing the Administrator to make a application that all users must run at startup. Groups of users to allow diffrent setting to like 3 or 4 users. so for each group they have diffrent things that quicklan can do.. not sure on what options for groups.. any ideas? like allowing only certian groups/users to be able to load up a web broswer or accessing other applications. Instead of typing in the username for the ban/allow section. i would like to be able to read the windows NT user list so all that has to be done is selecting the user. Place Microsoft Exchange into the menu item.. for the machines that run exchang. and or for other mail clients.. eudora and so forth. If they are any idea that you would like to see implemented into quicklan. please email me at itimbs@tpgi.com.au Latest Version 3.0 Beta 3 1/4/97 Add: Quicklan now can be setup to monitor what applications a user runs at the moment it is pretty basic.. like User jsmith is running C:\TOOLS_95\IOWATCH.EXE 3:20:01 PM 1/4/97 User jsmith closed C:\TOOLS_95\IOWATCH.EXE 3:25:23 PM 1/4/97 It will keep updating the select log file ever 7 seconds.. i will make this user configuarble in a few days it will not monitor basic programs like ezydesk/volume monitor/systray and a few stand windows program. 3.0 Beta 2.2 Add: Password is now encrypted into the registry Bug Fix Dos prompt now works Fixed Boarder problems with the administration Screen Click ona the drive free space on a network drive.. would not worked, Fixed 3.0 Beta 2 12/25/96 Add: 1)Ability to Only allow certian users to logon to the machine running quicklan this works best with standalone machines. So unlike the previous version in which you could ban people from using the machine. but under windows 95 and 3.11 on a standalone machine they could just change there name and re-logon. this time you can only allow users so everyone else can't log on even if they change there name 2)Disk Space free, This will display the drives with how much free space they have Clicking on one of the menus should launch explore to that drive letter 3)Create Patch ablity, for large network that don't want to go around and setup the logging options on all machines.. you simple make a patch file of the options you and install on the other machines that are running quicklan 4)Ban message, the message when users get kick off the machine now includes %u will display there username in the message %c will Display the computer name in the message 5)Web Address, Quicklan how has the ablilty to have a shortcut to 3 web address when clicked on from the menu it will automaticly load up the default broswer to that site. please not it also can be files on the machine. like text file or html documents.. or even word documents and it will load them up into there respective programs 6)System Information. for the normal users it will display which they can't change Machine name Domain Machine Comment Windows Registered Owner Windows Registered Organization To The Administrator can make changes to the Above items please note changes some of these will require the machine to be rebooted Quicklan will prompt you to do so.. f Fixed: Clear Recent Directory Change code in lot of place to make it run faster and smother Version 3.0 Beta 1 Network Administration Control With password protection System Logging What time a user logs on What time a user logs off Ability To ban users from the machine so they can't log back on Password proctection on closing quicklan 3.0 -------------- General Options Explore From "what directory" You can have up to three explore points just clicking will launch explore on that directory Run Programs You can have up to three programs just a click away Clear Recent Documents Listing Version 2.0 2.06 where bug fixes nothing major changed Version 2.0 Features Network Options Displays current User Logged on current machine Displays current Machine Name One click logoff (with and without prompting) General Options Launch a dos Prompt Activate Screen Saver Clear Run Histroy Clear Recent Documents Listing Clear Windows Temp Directory Authors HomePage http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/3767/ If you have any problems please email me at itimbs@tpgi.com.au with a subject header of "Quicklan"