`b c`-=-= Sample Quest to Test NEW Commands =-=- `b bl` by MoonDust /squiggles This new file shows how to use the new /go: command It is similar to /goto except that you put the phrase you want to go to on the same line, following the :. ie: /go:The Dawn Rises Now we skip this stuff for a bit. The Dawn Rises And see, we are now here! Okay, say we want to use /go: in a choice: A. Use your weapon. B. Fling your weapon. C. Eat your weapon. D. Shew the beast away. E. Sing a song. /get:ABCDE /choice1 You use your weapon and kill the beast. /go:Beast is dead! /choice2 You fling your weapon at the beast. /go:Beast is dead! /choice3 You eat your weapon and suffer from internal bleeding. /go:You die. /choice4 You shew the beast away. In anger he attacks you. /go:You die. /choice5 You sing a song. /go:Nymphs. /endchoice Beast is dead! Yes, the beast is dead hurrah! You win lots of mullah! /go:The End. You die. /go:The End. The End. The sun sets and it is the end. /endquest Nymphs. A swarm of winged nymphs flies to you. They take you soaring through the air! They give you lots of gifts and junk! Doncha just love those little nymphs!??? /anykey Below are ITEMS which players earn by battling the gods. You can give these items to players, if they have enough room in their pouch. If they do not, they earn dinars instead. Following is the list: 1 12 white bulls 2 Caduceus staff 3 Medusa head shield 4 Narcissus flower 5 Triton drawn chariot 6 arrow of vengeance 7 ball of thread 8 bee balm 9 bones of mother 10 book of wisdom 11 bow & quiver 12 charisma 13 dolphin 14 dragon teeth 15 drinking horn /anykey 16 enchanted apple 17 enchanted corn 18 enchanted lyre 19 enchanted seaweed 20 enchanted spear 21 fountain 22 gold coin 23 golden apple 24 golden bridle 25 golden cup 26 honey cakes 27 laurel branch 28 mighty wind 29 peacock tail 30 rays of the sun 31 sacred cat 32 sea horse 33 sea turtle 34 serpent Python /anykey 35 tapestry 36 thunderbolt 37 trident 38 winged ram 39 wreath of victory When you want to give an item as a gift, you can say something like this: If you give an item, and /choice1 is true, there is room in the pouch for the item. If /choice2 is true, there is no room, so you need to give another gift. /item:28 /choice1 The oracle grants you the gift of the "mighty wind." /choice2 You have no room in your pouch so I gotta give you something else. /endchoice /anyquit -=-=-=-= NEW 1.02! If you want to assign a number to be used in a choice statement later, based on events that have taken place in your quest... you can do this. On a table before you lies a globe of light and a charm of parenthesis. Which one do you wish to accept? A. Globe B. Charm /get:AB /choice1 You are given a "globe of light." /assign:1 /choice2 You are given the "Charm of Parenthesis." /assign:2 /endchoice Then you go on and on and on.... and do other junk! In the distance you see the Great Droid of Dread! The great Droid of Dread approaches you... /getassign /choice1 You take out your globe of light.... /choice2 You take out your charm of parenthesis... /endchoice Hall of Olympians In this example pick A to show how to go to an item which will take you back to the top of a file to repeat a section. Remember: /go: takes you DOWN and /return: takes you back up. A. Bodybuilding Contest D. Exit B. Rock Climbing Contest E. Concession Stand C. Broad Jumping Contest F. Souvenir Shop /get:ABCDEF /choice1 /go:Bodybuilding /choice2 /go:Rock Climbing /choice3 /go:Broad Jumping /choice4 /go:Javelin Tossing /choice5 /go:Concession /choice6 /go:Souvenir /endchoice Bodybuilding You pump iron and work hard and blah blah. In the below example, you would do different menu items until you hit an endquest. Author's don't forget: only one prize per quest. Therefore, you can have some deadends in your quests so that they have to go back to the menu to try a different item. In this case, they enter the body building contest, and then they are done and return back to the menu to pick a different letter or the same until they get a gift and then you must end the quest. The below line will take them back UP to the line with Hall of Olympians. example: /return:Hall of Olympians /anykey /return:Hall of Olympians /squiggles This is a simple little quest idea to show how to increment the counter to keep track of battles. But you'll notice if you exceed 5 battles as in the example below, the game automatically accommodates for that as well, if you want to be lazy and not do all of this. ;) At the top of the quest, start the counter for assign to 1: /assign:1 /battle A huge green troll attacks you! /choice1 You go to a green valley. /choice2 You chicken! /endquest /endchoice /anykey /go:A Green Valley A Green Valley /comment You are about to go into battle here and you want to keep track of how many battles you have already had. /endcomment /getassign /choice1 Counter was ONE. /assign:2 /comment This was one, so you will now increment it to 2. /endcomment /choice2 Counter was TWO. /assign:3 /choice3 Counter was THREE. /assign:4 /choice4 Counter was FOUR. /assign:5 /choice5 Counter was FIVE. You have battled 5 Trolls and can obtain the flask off the pedestal! You drink the potion and feel stronger. /strength 3 /go:You Won! /endchoice /battle Another huge troll attacks you! /choice1 You win! /choice2 You chicken! /endquest /endchoice Do you wish to heal? A. Yes B. No /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice /anykey /return:A Green Valley You Won! Now say, you get smart and decide to throw in one more battle. You should have done an /endquest instead of a /go:You Won! But here is the effect. Run this puppy in the quest tester and see what happens. /battle Eek you try to eek out one more battle. /anykey You can also use assign for 2 more values: /assign: /assign1: /assign2: /getassign /getassign1 /getassign2 And a new one, instead of assigning to getassign, you can increment it on a loop: /increment:0 /increment:1 /increment:2 increments the counters 0, 1, and 2 respectively.