Sorcery vx.xx Written by Chris Reiter ------------------------------------------------------- *** REGISTRATION BENEFITS : $10.00 U.S. These options are unlocked when the game has been registered: 1: You are always free to edit/add to/remove monsters from the MONSTERS.DAT and EMONSTER.DAT files. However, until SORCERY is registered, no creature with a strength or health of greater than 6 will be allowed in the game. Once registered, you may put monsters of whatever stats you want to. But remember, users don't want to play a game in which they are dead after one round! 2: MONSTERS.DAT and EMONSTER.DAT may only have 100 monsters in it when unregistered. The number of possible monsters goes up to 1000 when registered. Other Options may be added or taken away at any time. ------------------------------------------------------- Sorcery vx.xx Registration Form YOUR NAME:_____________________________________________ YOUR ADDRESS:__________________________________________ YOUR CITY:_____________________________________________ YOUR STATE (Physical, not Mental)_____ ZIP:____________ VOICE PHONE:________________ DATA PHONE________________ YOUR BBS NAME:_________________________________________ INTERNET EMAIL:___________________ FIDONET NODE:_______ A printed Registration Key will be sent to you at your address anyway, but if you prefer quicker service, you may select to receive it via Internet or FIDOnet also. [ ] Internet E-Mail [ ] Fidonet E-Mail ------------------------------------------------------- Send Check or Money Order To: Chris Reiter 7412 Delmar Prairie Village, KS 66208 *** Please do not send cash, because mail clerks tend to rip it off.