EASY INVENTORY for Windows This application has an INSTALL program for Windows. To use the install program, Click on the File menu of the Program Manager and select RUN. Type A:\INSTALL (or B:\INSTALL) and press OK. If you have downloaded the application, you may find it easier to place all files on a floppy to create a standard installation. The install program will prompt for the path to setup the application. You can change it or leave it to the default of C:\EASINVW See GETTING STARTED in the Help file. It's important to create the data files in an orderly fashion or it may be very confusing otherwise. One file may be needed by another, etc. You obviously cannot enter sales or purchases without product, customer and supplier files. Use the VIEWS option for data files not shown on the main screen. For previous users of the DOS version of this program, changes in data files will be explained with registration. The program requires a printer capable of enhanced printing using standard Windows' fonts. Browse thru the Help file for other topics for instructions in the use of the program. Use the print option to print the topics as needed. **** IF YOU GET AN ERROR OF "Too many files", check the CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory of your system. I recommend the following two lines of code: files=40 buffers=30 If the numbers are greater for any of the lines, leave them as is. The computer has to be restarted for the changes to be applied.