Monitor (c) 1996 by Gryphon Microproducts -- all rights reserved This program will monitor a number of WWW sites and notify you when any of them is not accessible. The program has the ability to do any (or all) of the following: 1) Notify you by email of any sites that are down 2) Dial a pager and send a special code to notify you of the sites 3) Make irritating noises when a site is down 4) Give you a response analysis showing how fast your sites are This is a beta-test version of the WWW Site monitoring program. It was written using JAVA. In order to run the program, you'll need to have Java installed on your PC. We can't help you do that part. However, if you've already got Java installed and are familiar with how to use it, then read on... (Note: once the program is out of beta, we'll have more info on how folks can get the Java part installed and set-up) There are a few important files: 1) *.class -- all the Java class files 2) monitor.ini - all the program settings. Place it in your c:\windows dir 3) monitor.txt - put your listing of www sites here 4) monitor.log - the log of all monitor results To run the monitor, edit the monitor.ini file and fill-in your settings. Be sure to set your email address and page number (if you want it to page you). then, edit monitor.txt and put in your WWW site URLs Make a link to "java monitor" That's all it should take. When the program comes up, select the TEST option to test your Email and/or pager. You can select the EDIT option if you want to edit any of the setup files (listed above). To actualy start the monitoring, select the MONITOR option. In the current release, the sounds part isn't in place, nor is the graphic display for the site analysis. If you wish to have the program page you, you'll need to download and unzip the program: Place the executible (d.exe) in your c:\windows directory. Eventually, we'll probably do the dialing directly from the monitor program. Please let us know how things work! You can contact me at: