© 1996 Copyright FAICO Information Solutions
Author Email: Godfrey Ko godfreyk@netvigator.com - comments, suggestions are welcomed.

Please visit NavRoad homepage for the latest version of NavRoad.

  1. Texas, America - http://www.cyberramp.net/~johnpoz/navroad/
  2. Hong Kong, Asia Pacific - http://netvigator.com/~godfreyk/navroad/


NavRoad is a small, powerful off-line HTML browser designed for viewing HTML files anytime, anywhere.

Authors, Internet & CD-ROM publishers may use NavRoad to distribute their HTML and multi-media files to their users. NavRoad runs like the wind and at 300KB compressed can even run off a floppy. Users no longer have to use a slow browser just to view HTML files. It will run on any machine (even a 286!) that has Windows installed, no winsock.dll or Internet connection required. Both 16bit and 32bit versions are available.

Are you interested in Keyword Searching as well as Offline Browsing? Please check out LIKSE, a super-charged version of NavRoad.

NavRoad Features

Client Side Image Maps example

User Guide
Registration Info
HomePage: http://home.netvigator.com/~godfreyk/navroad/
Email: godfreyk@netvigator.com Registration Info Version History User Guide