Release Notes ============= Version 1.2 - added "Scripting" (32-bit version) - added option to minimize to tray (32-bit version) - added option to remove expired uncompleted tasks - fixed problem with "Remove Completed Tasks" function not removing under some circumstances - fixed problem with "last day of week of month" being one week early when falling on the last day of the month - added options to clear to do list, all completed or disabled tasks, and to reset "saved window positions and settings". - neatened reports Version 1.1b - added "Toggle Done Status" button to To Do List and related right-mouse-button pop-up menu Version 1.1a - corrected installation program to use "StartUp" group rather than "Start Menu" Version 1.1 - added graphics for a more pleasing user interface - added toolbar for faster access to commonly used features - added "brief" schedule report - expanded help file Future Versions - the next full release will include the ability to control other applications through scripting (including DDE and sending keystrokes).