Spewtag.Txt A few instructions on using T-Matic's /R switch. /R creates taglines in a random manner. All you do is make a template file and it'll create variations on the contents and output the result to a tagfile. Take a look at the example enclosed, COUNTRY.DAT: (All lines beginning with '%' are comments and are ignored by T-Matic. ŠDon't enter any comments once the datfile has started. With version 12 of Tag-O-Matic and above, you no longer have to have a fixed number of fields. The format after this goes something like: *Constant string random string another random string (Any other random strings) * another constant string more random string... Etc. Other notes: The max length of a string is currently (v12) set to 2048 chars, so make sure the combined strings cannot be longer than that. If it gets longer, Tag-O-Matic will replace the tagline with an error- message and will try again. Another datfile (a bit shorter, and usually creates one-line tags) is supplied as TANGLED.DAT That's all there is to it. You can use your ingenuity and imagination in creating templates, I'd be quite interested in seeing anything you're proud of, and if it's clean it might be bunged in the archive. Netmail them to Simon Avery 2:255/20.1 or 2:250/410.31 Email 'em to: savery@mail.zynet.co.uk Still like to see mucky ones, although obviously I can't use them in the full distribution archive! Have fun! Simon