FDwin v1.2.8 for Windows95

by Søren Poulsen programmer and CNE

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FDwin topics

What does it do?

I allways found it difficult to access folders when you have a lot of them. So i wrote FDwin to get quick access to folders. You can seek on folder names on all of your drives (eg C:,D:, E: etc.) If a folder with the exact name is found, and there is only one, this folder is opened (optional). If there is more than one you get to pick the one you want from the ListBox. If there is no exact match, you get the ListBox of the foldernames wich include the text you search for. (You go directly there if there is only one). After the folder is opened the program shuts down (optional).

How to install it?

Just unzip the exe file and put it anywhere. I find it usefull to have a shortcut to it on the "desk" and make a key shortcut eg. CTRL+F12, then it is just a keystroke away.

How to uninstall FDwin?

Delete the exefile(FDwin.exe) where you put it & FDwin.dat in the windows folder.

How does it work?

It scans the disks You choose. By default it only includes "C" but just add all the drives you want to scan. While scanning, a datafile is made (FDwin.dat) and this is where it searches for the information. It then uses "explorer.exe" to open the folder so please make sure that there is a legal PATH to "explorer.exe" (otherwise it won't work) With an other option on the properties form you can specify that the folder is opened with another filemanager if you choose. The program is written in BORLAND DELPHI 2.0.

How long can I use it before registering?

For 30 days. After that you will get a NAG screen every time you start it. But it will still work. However please register (it's free), I just wan't to keep track of who is using FDwin.

List of features.

Frequently used SearchStrings can be assigned to an Sbutton for fast access. frq. used folders can be assigned to Pbuttons and if you find yourself using more than one folder for a task (eg. when moving files from folder to folder) THEY can be assigned to Mbuttons for fast access. When finding folders you can choose to open a DOSbox in the folder. It is possible to copy the folder path to the clipboard. FDwin has been designed to be used with the keyboard, but some features are only accessible with the mouse.

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Current version is displayed as Title to the mainform. If you choose to register, your name will be there too, otherwise it will show [unregistered].


Dblclick the form to expand/collapse the mainform.

Full Search

This means that FDwin will show all matching foldernames in the ListBox, not only the ones that match exactly. When Full Search is checked a list will allways open, even it there is only one match. Not set by default, but can be on the properties form.


Specify what to search for here. The seeking method used is "contained in" so wildcards won't do. But it is possible to find the folder "Windows95" using the following SearchStrings "win", "95", "dows" and so on. By rightclicking SearchString you can assign the currently displayed text to an Sbutton.

Search button. <ALT><S>

Click this button to search for the SearchString specified. The result depends on the settings. By default the folder will open if there is only one, and FDwin will close. The ListBox will show if there is more than one folder to choose from. When SearchString control is active this is the button that is assigned to <ALT><S>

Close button. <ALT><C>

Press this button to "close" FDwin. If the "Close to tray" option is set in properties, FDwin will goto the tray, otherwise it will terminate.

About button <ALT><A>

This will show some about information. This form will popup for the user to press OK when FDwin has expired. FDwin will still work, but you will get "the nag" screen every time. When FDwin is registered it will not be displayed unless you push this button.

Properties button. <ALT><O>

Press to open properties form.

Rebuild button. <ALT><R>

Press to rebuild the datafile in which the foldersearch is conducted. Please notice that YOU MUST REBUILD after having created/deleted a folder IF you want FDwin to be aware of the change.

History button. <ALT><H>

Shows the last 10 used folders. Notice that folders assigned to Pbuttons are ignored here, so pushing a Pbutton will not affect the History. Allso if a folder is choosen from the history list it will move up the list, not appear again (twice).

PHistory button <ALT><P>

Shows a list of the folders assigned to the Pbuttons.

Select button. <ALT><S>

Choose a folder from the ListBox, AFTER having done a search, click this button to select the folder. When the ListBox is the active control this is the button pushed when selecting <ALT><S>. Notice that it is possible to select more than one folder in the ListBox by using <CTRL>.

Clear History button.

Press this button to clear the History. ONLY the normal history is cleared (eg. NOT Pbutton / Sbutton)

Exit button. <ALT><X>

Used to terminate FDwin.

Pbuttons <ALT><1>..<5>

Frequently used folders can be assigned to a Pbutton. This is done by doing a search and selecting the folder in the ListBox and rightclicking in the ListBox, and choosing "Assign as P1..5". When a Pbutton is allready assigned, the menu will read "Replace P1..5=" and then the name of the allready assigned folder. To clear a Pbutton rightclick on one of the Pbuttons and select "Clear P1..5"

Mbuttons <ALT><6>, <ALT><7>

The Mbuttons have the same function as a Pbutton, BUT can contain up to 10 folders. They are assigned through rightclicking the ListBox as the Pbuttons. Rightclick a Mbutton to get a menu from where you can clear it or copy the contents to the ListBox for editing (eg. you wan't to remove a folder from an Mbutton).

Sbuttons <ALT><8>, <ALT><9>, <ALT><0>

If you often search with a specific string you can attach it to an Sbutton. Just write the seachstring and rightclik it to assign the string to an Sbutton. Assign an empty SearchString to an Sbutton to clear it.


Choose the folder(s) (with <CTRL>) and press Selectbutton to open the folders. Rightclick in the ListBox, and you will get a menu, from where you can open a DOSbox in the selected folder, copy the folderpath to the clipboard, and manipulate the P and Mbuttons. Choose Add to Mbutton to add the selected folders to an Mbutton. Choose "Assign all in ListBox to M6..7" to take all listed folders in the listbox and put it into an Mbutton. Use "Clear marked folders in listbox" when you have done a search but don't wan't all the found folders assigned to an Mbutton.

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The Properties form

Available drives

A list of drives which is NOT selected, but can be. Dblclick a drive if you wan't to add it to the selected drives list.

Selected drives

A list of the selected drives. Dblclick to remove a drive from the list. By default only "C" is selected.

Close FDwin after opening folder.

Check this option if you wan't FDwin to terminate / goto tray after having selected a folder to open. Default is checked.

FDwin stays in tray when closing.

Check this option to have FDwin goto the tray instead of terminating. Default is Checked.

Do FullSearch when searching.

Check this option to have FDwin OPEN with this option. You can allways uncheck it on the mainform, this option specifies if the mainform option is checked or not when FDwin starts. Default is NOT checked.

FDwin starts in tray

Check this option to have FDwin start in the tray. Use this option together with the "FDwin stays in tray when closing" option when you make a shortcut to FDwin and puts it in the "Startup" folder.

Use a filemanager when opening folders

Check this option to make FDwin call a filemanager instead of opening folders with the "This computer" look. Allthough it looks like it is not using the "explorer.exe" program, it does, so please make sure you have a legal path to it. Otherwise FDwin will not work.


Enter the filemanager name and parameters here. FDwin will call the filemanager with the foldername as a parameter. eg. choosing >c:\windows\command< will result in executing >explorer.exe /n,/e,"c:\windows\command"< Default is "explorer.exe /n,/e,"


This is the place for the FDwin.dat file. Default is the windows folder.


Insert the Name and KEY given from me when registering. You may choose any name you like, but the key corresponds to the name.

FDwin starts with small mainform

Some users don't like the rather large mainform, so check this option to make FDwin start with a small mainform. Default is NOT checked. Normally you will check this option after having used FDwin for some time.

Change Font button.

Some are having trouble with the fonts in FDwin. This is mainly because they are using largefonts in the windows setup. It is possible to change the font and size beeing used in FDwin with this button. I hope it solves the problem!

Cancel button. <ALT><C>

Cancel the selected options. Only if changes are made a dialog box will appear for you to confirm the cancel.

Save button. <ALT><S>

Choose this to save the selected options. If drives are added/removed a rebuild will be done. After saving, FDwin will terminate.

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The Tray Icon

Dblclick the tray icon to make FDwin reappear. Rightclick the icon to get a menu from where you can choose to exit, call a Pbutton, choose from history or goto the properties form.

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How to register FDwin

Please fill out the form below and choose send registration
Registration name *

Your e-mail address *

FDwin version

What country are You from

Where did You find FDwin

What is Your opinion of FDwin

* = must be specified

In order to send this form your browser must be able to do so, otherwise just send me a mail with the above information.

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Send questions/suggestions to

Soren Poulsen

