Welcome to SportLog version 1.0! SportLog is a simple-to-use system that allows you to record your sporting events and training, and later interrogate the information in a number of flexible ways. This includes drawing graphics, retrieving only information that matches specific criteria, etc. To install the program, load Windows (3.x or 95) and select "Run..." from the File menu (or if using Windows 95, click on the Start button and select Run). Now locate the SETUP.EXE file that comes with SportLog and the program will be installed to your hard disk. SportLog is a ShareWare program. SportLog v1.0 has limited features; you can only add a fixed number of sports and only a fixed number of entries for each sport. SportLog v1.0 can be freely distributed. If you decide to register SportLog, you will receive the full copy of SportLog v2.0. This is a much upgraded system, with unlimited numbers of sports and entries. Move facilities are available such as drawing pie-chart comparisons of the different sports in which you participate, and you can even open lots of SportLog data files at once. Data from SportLog v1.0 can be imported into SportLog v2.0. Full documentation is included within the program; press F1 at any time or click on one of the Help buttons. In case of problems or questions, please contact us at the following email address: rda@rdainfotec.demon.co.uk