-------------------------------- README for ClearDoc version 1.0 Written by: Michael Eaton Release date: January 7, 1997 -------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The author of this program cannot be held responsible for the use or misuse of this program. It is the end-users responsibility for correctly installing and using this software. Contents 1. What is ClearDoc? 2. How do I install ClearDoc? 3. Getting rid of it... 4. Contacting the author... 5. Registration 6. The Future of ClearDoc -------------------------------- 1. What is ClearDoc? ClearDoc is a program I wrote to solve a nuisance in Windows 95. Whenever you open a file in Windows 95, a link is put in the Documents menu. Clearing it involves opening up a dialog window, changing tabs and then clicking a button. As many documents as I open in a day, this can be a real pain, considering that I normally don't open the same documents over and over. ClearDoc sits in the System Tray and a) waits for you to right click on it or b) clears the Document menu after a specified amount of time. I have added several nice features, one of which is the ability to bypass the confirmation. Other features include the ability to choose whether the files are deleted to the Recycle Bin or not, starting the program when Windows starts, and of course, the ability to have the program clear the Document menu at specified intervals. 2. How do I install ClearDoc? Installing ClearDoc is as easy as unzipping cleardoc.exe into the directory of your choice and running it. 3. How do I get rid of it? Delete the cleardoc.exe file from the directory you unzipped it to. You will also need to remove the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eaton\DocClear HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eaton If you configured the program to run on Windows startup, you will also need to delete the following value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ClearDoc 4. Contacting the author I can be reached by email at mjeaton@sitedev.com. My home page is at http://www.sitedev.com. 5. Registration This is a full featured program. I didn't leave anything out and I didn't include any nag screens. If you find that you are using this program all the time, please send me a check for $5.00 (US) to: Michael Eaton 103 North Hudson Street Coldwater, MI 49036. 6. The Future of ClearDoc I plan on adding a few new features to this software in the near future. One of those features will be a filter that will allow you to decide which types of files to leave in the Documents menu and which types of files to delete. In other words, you can delete all the references to .jpg's and leave all the references to .doc files.