FileSplitter version changes | ----------------------------- FileSplitter 1.1 - 25th of November,1996 , SECOND RELEASE ATTENTION: PROGRAM NAME CHANGED. -------------------- Previous version of this program was formerly known as WinSplit (, 107 kbytes size). I've changed the name, because I've found another program called WinSplit, with the same name of archive - and 32 kbytes size (Internet becomes so huge :) - my apologies to Hannu Pohjanheimo, author of older WinSplit. Changes : patched WINSPLIT.EXE (now FS.EXE), WINSPLIT.HLP (now FS.HLP) to correct some known bugs. Everyone who download MY WinSplit 1.0 should upgrade to this version. Bugs and incompletenesses fixed in 1.1 ( [+] - option added, [*] - option fixed ): [*] - Help button works correct in source file dialog, [*] - Help button works correct in target file dialog, [*] - Corrected a bug in target directory dialog, [+] - Added version checking for future changes of FS file format, [+] - Added multimedia support (WAV files), [+] - Added new placement function for main window, [+] - Added default directory selection for split and combine, [+] - Of course, interface changes for new options. WinSplit 1.0 - 20th of November,1996 - First shareware release