Title : Threewave Capture Filename : 3wave23.zip Version : 2.30 Date : 96-10-14 Author : Dave 'Zoid' Kirsch Email : zoid@mindlink.net Credits : John Spickes aka Guru for JTEAM Aegis - moral support and general overexcited Quake guy Beowulf - my cat who keeps getting me fragged when he jumps on my keyboard or starts chasing my mouse "Mike" for Morning Star (Hook) Tom "Bjorn" Klok for original ideas such as the runes and capture games, various suggestions and bug fixes. Check his server at quake.mindlink.net, Type of Mod ----------- Quake C : yes Sound : no MDL : no Format of QuakeC ---------------- unified diff : yes context diff : no .qc files : yes progs.dat : yes [NOTE: The diff is against v1.06 of id's Quake-C code. This includes John Cash's official fixes. I've tweaked his stuff a bit though. :) I'm running this with a 1.01 server. I have to do this because there isn't a 1.06 server for Linux yet. But it works fine with the progs.dat from 1.06. Your mileage may vary. -Zoid]. [ADMINS: Remember to edit the hostname in autoexec.cfg! I saw several servers out there named "Threewave-Capture". That's *my* server, thank you. I've changed it so that the default autoexec.cfg now contains "hostname PoorlyConfiguredCapture". So make sure you change it or everyone will see your error]. What's new in 2.30 ------------------ - The team you are joined to upon connection is now printed in the MOTD. - Message changes: changed a lot of the messages printed to include the flag colour. Also changed much of the important text to the alternate color font. This makes it *much* easier to quickly scan the incoming messages and see what's going on. - New map e2m5: The Wizard's Manse. This level rocks for CTF play. The bases are pretty well balanced. NOTE TO ADMINS: Make sure you copy over the *.bsp files and use dobsp to modify the new maps included in this release. - Color switching cheating has been greatly reduced, if not removed. This is where the client would stuff a bunch of commands to change color while attacking. The color check is now done *before* attack checks so your color gets 'fixed' before you have a chance to hurt a (previous) teammate. Cheaters never prosper. Besides, stuffing tons of color commands causes lag. Excellent target for the new 1.06 ban command. - Bug in the sound generated in by the Earth Rune has been fixed. - Possible lag problem with the grappling hook has been greatly reduced. Turns out the think time on the chain links was 0.01, which is 100 times a second (ouch!). It's now 0.1 which cuts it in ten. - Sound changes for grappling hook: the sound when the hook makes contact with a wall is now the axe 'clang'. Makes it much more obvious someone is hooking and makes more sense as the hook embeds itself in the wall with a nice satisfying sound. Also, a small puff sound [Hell Knight missile fire] is played on launching the grapple. - Fixed it so that if you pick up a weapon while using the grapple, it is *not* made the new weapon. This was very annoying on levels such as e1m8 where you'd grapple yourself to a rocket launcher suddenly to have it as the selected weapon and you start immediately firing into a nearby wall and usually frag yourself. I'm sure many people will appreciate this fix. - Fixed it so that user dropped backpacks (impulse 20) don't immediately get picked up again by the same player. - Default autoexec.cfg changed to teamplay 483. This allows impulse 20 and 21 to drop backpacks or weapons to teammates. Very handy for helping out base defenders, "Get me some rockets!" - Scoring has changed. After a lot of testing, the following scoring values have been choosen as the defaults. Note that you can change them in teamplay.qc if you feel necessary. But they've been through a month of testing and are pretty balanced. The scores are [from teamplay.qc]: float TEAM_CAPTURE_CAPTURE_BONUS = 12; // what you get for capture float TEAM_CAPTURE_TEAM_BONUS = 12; // what your team gets for capture float TEAM_CAPTURE_RECOVERY_BONUS = 1; // what you get for recovery float TEAM_CAPTURE_FLAG_BONUS = 1; // what you get for picking up enemy flag float TEAM_CAPTURE_FRAG_CARRIER_BONUS = 3; // what you get for fragging //enemy flag carrier - Self dropped weapons via impulse 21 weren't being removed properly. - You can't drop a hook with impulse 21 (doing so would crash the server). - Fixed it so that if Static Teams is not enabled (players can changed teams) and someone changed teams while carrying a flag, the correct flag is dropped. Before, it would drop the other flag (possibly creating two flags for the team the player was originally on). Very messy. What's new in 2.20 ------------------ Well, the telefrag fixes Cash doesn't work the way I want it to. It causes repeated telefrags on the "last" spawn spot. The one from ServerModules was a lot nicer. I've put that one back in and removed Cash's code. Also, in 2.1 the server would crash (runaway loop error) if you loaded a map without flag support but TEAM_CAPTURE_FLAG was enabled. Fixed it where people could cheat if Static Teams was set (this is usually set like teamplay = 355). The player could change his color to the other team while touching his flag and he would pick the flag up (!!) then change back. 30 seconds later my SanityCheck routines we notice that there is no flag (must be at base or enemy player) and return it. This player could then capture his own flag. It was very ugly. This wasn't a problem if you didn't have static teams enabled (eg. teamplay 291), since players get gibbed if they change teams. If you don't have static teams, when a player changes teams and gets gibbed, the obituary messages is "Player changed teams" instead of the "bored with life". What's new in 2.10 ------------------ Ok, the code is now integrated with id's 1.06 Quake-C code. Minor fixes. Oh, at end of the level the team totals are counted up and then everyone's frag value is set to the team total. This way you cleary see which team won. Probably a few other fixes here and there. It's just better, ok? Description of the Modification ------------------------------- Teamplay (much of this documentation comes from John Spickes Complete Enhanced Teamplay Patches). The Complete Enhanced Teamplay is a QuakeC mod which is intended to provide a great deal of flexibility in teamplay settings. I've retained all of the original functionality of Quake v1.01 and my previous Enhanced Teamplay, and added many more features. My aim is to have lots of useful teamplay options which the server can select at will, while minimizing my modification to the original QuakeC code. The options included in this release are: * Players' health can be protected from friendly fire damage * Players' armor can be protected from friendly fire damage * Damage inflicted to teammates can be mirrored on the attacker * Frags can be deducted for the killing of teammates * Players can be killed for killing their teammates * Players can be required to use only colors specified by the server * Players can be prohibited from changing teams * Players can be allowed to drop ammo and weapons All these options can be turned on and off individually. Teamplay feature use: A lot of options can be configured with this mod. The majority of these options are configurable using the teamplay variable. This mod uses the teamplay variable as a bitfield, with each bit associated with a different teamplay option. The bits are as follows: 1 Health Protect Players receive no health damage from teammates' attacks. 2 Armor Protect Players receive no armor damage from teammates' attacks. 4 Damage to Attacker A player who attacks his teammate will receive the same damage the teammate would have received, had he not been protected. 8 Frag Penalty Any player who kills his teammate will be penalized frags. The number of frags to penalize is adjustable by a simple edit in the teamplay.qc file. 16 Death Penalty Any player who kills his teammate will burst apart in a bloody mess. 32 Team Color Lock Players will only be allowed to be certain colors. Team colors can be specified for up to four teams in the teamplay.qc file. Players who have illegal colors when they enter will be put into the team with the fewest members. Any player who changes team (pants color) will be fragged and their frag count is reset to zero. 64 Static Teams Players will not be allowed to change teams. 128 Drop Items Players will be allowed to drop ammo and weapons. IMPULSE 20 will drop a backpack and IMPULSE 21 will drop the current weapon. You can't drop the axe or single-shotgun. 256 Capture the Flag This enables Capture the Flag support. Obviously, not all these options make sense together. teamplay 9 doesn't really make sense, because you couldn't ever kill a teammate, and thus you could never incur the one frag penalty. To select multiple options, add the numbers of the options together. Examples: teamplay 96 Team Color Lock, Static Teams This results in players being automatically assigned to teams and not allowed to change to other teams. teamplay 3 Health Protect, Armor Protect You can't hurt your teammates' health OR armor. teamplay 28 Mirror Damage, Frag Penalty, Death Penalty When you shoot your teammates, you take damage and so do they. If you kill a teammate, you'll take a frag penalty and you'll be killed. teamplay 120 Static Teams, Color Lock, Frag Penalty, Death Penalty teamplay 355 Static Teams, Color Lock, Health Protect, Armour Protect, Capture the Flag [I use teamplay 355 on my server. You must have team color lock for capture the flag. Anything else is very confusing. -Zoid] Besides the teamplay setting, there are some other options that can be modified by editing the source. These options are constants at the beginning of teamplay.qc and are marked so you can find them. One option specifies the default frag penalty. This is the number of frags that will be deducted by the bit-field Frag Penalty setting. There are four constants in teamplay.qc which allow configuration of the teamlock settings. TEAM_COLOR1 thru TEAM_COLOR4 have values indicating a legal team color, or -1. A value of -1 indicates that this team is not used. Thus, the number of teams is adjustable from 1 to 4. Example: float TEAM_COLOR1 = 4; float TEAM_COLOR2 = 13; float TEAM_COLOR3 = -1; float TEAM_COLOR4 = -1; This setting indicates that there should be two teams. Team 1's color is red and team 2's color is blue. Teams 3 & 4 are not used and thus have a value of -1. NOTE: If you enable Capture the Flag, you MUST HAVE ONLY TWO TEAMS defined. TEAM_COLOR3 and TEAM_COLOR4 MUST be set to -1. If you don't, results are unpredictable. If you change any of the constant values, you must recompile before your changes will take effect. THE COMPLETE ENHANCED TEAMPLAY Programming by John Spickes aka Guru jspickes@eng.umd.edu [Please direct any comments about this package to *me*, Zoid at zoid@mindlink.net. Don't bug John about my mods]. Capture the Flag Capture the flag offers an exciting variation on team play. It gives meaning to base defense along with offensive positioning and strikes. The implementation is an extension of John Spickes JTEAM patches. The basic premise is: attack the enemy base, grab their flag than take it back to your base. In the variation I've written into Quake, you must touch your base flag when carrying the enemy flag in order to score. Map modifications have to be done in order to enable Capture the Flag play on a map. See the accompaning file capture.txt for information on how to modify maps for flag support. Rules: - Two sections of the map are designated as base encampments. - When you join the game (or enter the level) you are assigned to a team (Using John Spickes JTEAM patches, with many modifications). Changing teams may or may not be allowed depending on the setting of the teamplay variable. You are spawned at the base (this is were my map mods come in). If you die, you are not spawned at the base, but at one of the deathmatch start spots. This way, you don't kill a guy trying to get the flag at the base and he comes back to life immediately there. - The flags are based on the key models. If you pick up the enemy flag, you must touch your flag in order to win. Note that if you get back to the base, your flag might not be there if the other team has it! Get the rest of your team to go get their flag back! The player who touches his base flag when carrying the other team's gets 20 frags, and everyone on his team gets 10 frags. Also, when you get a flag, you have that nice glow around you (such as when you get the quad damage.) If you kill an opposing team player who has your flag, he drops it. If you touch your flag, it will teleport back to your base. - Since everyone starts at their base after level change, or joining the game, the team will have to work out who is going to go and try to get the enemy flag (offensive strike), and who will stay to defend. Yes, this is camping, but its camping with a cause! Remember, you can communicate only with teammates by using messagemode2. Put this in your id1\autoexec.cfg file bind r "messagemode2" When you hit "r", you will get the usually talk prompt, except your message will only go to your teammates. Random Level Selection Next level is chosen randomly (RandomLevel in client.qc). The levels e1m7 (House of Chthon), e2m6 (The Dismal Oubliette), e3m4 (Satan's Dark Delight) and end (Shub-Niggurath's Pit) removed since they are really suck for DM games, though e1m7 is a nice MD level, but causes massive lag for some reason. NOTE: In Capture the Flag mode, the levels proceed as follows: e1m1, e1m2, e1m3, e1m4, e1m5, e1m6, e1m8, e2m1, e2m2, e2m3. These are currently the only levels modified with flag support. Runes The rune game (several functions near the end of items.qc). Runes are spawned randomly, one of each with an unique power. Currently there are four: - Earth (resistance, half damage) - Black (strength, double damage) - Hell (haste, double fire rate) - Elder (regeneration) magic runes When someone dies, the rune pops out and can be picked up. You can only carry one rune at a time. MOTD MOTD (Message of the day) function added. To change it edit client.qc and edit the text near the top. There are different messages for regular deathmatch, team mode and capture the flag mode. Multiskin Skins, along with fixes for MultiSkin 1.1 that makes it so that corpses get the right skin and skins are presistant across levels. Also changed so that skins are not available in teamplay, since you can't tell what color people are with many of the skins. NOTE: Skins are not enabled in teamplay mode (including Capture the Flag). This is because most skins don't change colors properly. Skin based teams are something I am considering. Suicide protection. A person can suicide four times, then can't suicide anymore. Resets after level change (there are legitmate reasons to suicide, but rarely more than four times in a level). Telefrag Delay When telefragged, the person who was killed stays dead for two to five seconds. This is needed to get rid of the "frag snowball" effect one sees at the beginning of a new level, when 16 players try to fit into five deathmatch spots. The telefrags would snowball and eventually crash the server. With this delay, its eliminated. Server Logging Server logging. This is really useful in for a Linux server, since I save the log files. Reports on why a client connects, how they died, etc. This is still being fine tuned. [THIS IS CURRENTLY REMOVED-- Since I went to 1.06 and had to re-write most of the code, I ripped what was left of this out. I'll put re-integrating it shortly, since Ron's now got a 1.06 version of his TeleWeapon stuff out that fixes some of the original problems.] //TeleWeapon // Incorporated Ron Mercer's teleweapon patch. This makes it so stuff like // rockets, grenades, nails, etc. go through teleporters. It also fixes // the lighting gun discharge in water bug, where if you are near the water // (but not in) you get hosed. // NOTE: The teleporting weapons are disabled. They cause the server to // crash. I have kept the lightning gun fixes in. Grappling Hook New weapon added. "Mike" Morning Star, renamed to grappling hook. Changed to use existing models (vore ball for hook, spikes for the chain links). This weapon lets you hook the ceiling and get pulled toward it (think of Batman's grapple in the movies). You can also hang from the ceiling and snipe at people. Don't worry, its doesn't make camping any more effective, as a rocket at the ceiling usually deals with anyone handing around. :) IMPULSE 22 or select axe twice. Redundant Message Removal Removed redundant messages such as "You got the shells" or "You got the armor." This was just cluttering up the message stream and isn't needed since pickups are already signified by a flash and an audio cue. [No longer using ServerModules telefrag removal--now using the 1.06 code by John Cash]. How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- Make a new dir in your quake directory. (ie c:\quake\capture) then unzip this package into that directory (make sure you use -d with pkunzip!). When done, you'll have the following files: ./progs.dat ./autoexec.cfg ./config.cfg ./readme.txt ./capture.txt ./capture.dif ./src/ai.qc ./src/amtest.qc ./src/boss.qc ./src/buttons.qc ./src/client.qc ./src/combat.qc ./src/defs.qc ./src/demon.qc ./src/dog.qc ./src/doors.qc ./src/enforcer.qc ./src/fight.qc ./src/fish.qc ./src/hknight.qc ./src/hook.qc ./src/items.qc ./src/jctest.qc ./src/knight.qc ./src/misc.qc ./src/models.qc ./src/monsters.qc ./src/ogre.qc ./src/oldone.qc ./src/plats.qc ./src/player.qc ./src/progdefs.h ./src/progs.dat ./src/progs.src ./src/shalrath.qc ./src/shambler.qc ./src/soldier.qc ./src/sprites.qc ./src/subs.qc ./src/tarbaby.qc ./src/teamplay.qc ./src/triggers.qc ./src/weapons.qc ./src/wizard.qc ./src/world.qc ./src/zombie.qc ./src/files.dat ./src/telefrag.qc ./src/flame.qc ./maps/e1m4.ent ./maps/e1m8.ent ./maps/e1m1.ent ./maps/e1m2.ent ./maps/e1m3.ent ./maps/e1m6.ent ./maps/e1m5.ent ./maps/e2m1.ent ./maps/e2m2.ent ./maps/e2m3.ent ./maps/dobsp.bat ./maps/dobsp.sh You must modify several maps for Quake in order to use capture the flag. You must unpack your pak0.pak and pak1.pak files. There are several utilities to do this. For Linux, I use wreckdum (ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/utils/bsp_pak_tools/wreckdum.tar.gz) and under Windows 95 I use winpak (http://www.cdrom.com/pub/quake/utils/bsp_pak_tools/winpak12.zip). In the directory you unpacked this archive, there will be maps directory. Copy the following files you unpacked from the pak0.pak and pak1.pak files into the maps directory in the capture stuff: e1m1.bsp e1m2.bsp e1m3.bsp e1m4.bsp e1m5.bsp e1m6.bsp e1m8.bsp e2m1.bsp e2m2.bsp e2m3.bsp Now go to the maps directory and either run dobsp.bat for DOS/Win95 or sh dobsp.sh for Linux. Note that qbsp must be in your path. qbsp comes from id and you can get it at: http://www.cdrom.com/pub/quake/idstuff/source/qutils.zip This will modify the entity lists for the maps to include the new flags and some other items. [NOTE: This would be a bit easier if I could distribute the already modified bsp files, but id's licensing does not permit that. I emailed Jay Wilbur (the biz guy) about this and his response was: There is no problem in what you intend to do if the file you intend to distribute is nothing more then a glorified text file that registered server running users use to modify their maps. So that's the official party line]. Once you have all the modified bsp files in the maps directory (they are all pretty big). Run the server as so: ./xquake -dedicated 16 -game 3wave or winded -dedicated 16 -game 3wave Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- Authors MAY use these modifications as a basis for other publically available work. You may do whatever you please with the contents of this archive. Availability ------------ This modification is available from the following places: WWW : http://quake.threewave.com