================================================================ Title : Tower of Babel Filename : BABEL.BSP Author : Marc Fontaine Email Address : lion@wg.saar.de Misc. Author Info : Played Doom, loved it, built Levels, loved it even more, passed out after looking at Quake for the first time. Played it, loved it, started building levels, adored it... Description : Have you ever played Doom? Then you'll know what this is about. If you don't want to be surprised, go on and read spoiler.txt I advise you not to, though! -------------------------------------- To run the level, make a subdirectory in your Quake directory, name it BABEL and put the BABEL.PAK file in there. Rename it to PAK0.PAK, then run Quake with the following line: QUAKE -GAME BABEL +MAP BABEL Enjoy! -------------------------------------- Additional Credits to : id Software for Quake, Doom and the original layout of the Map Ben Morris, for WorldCraft ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-16 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Graphics : No New Sounds : Yes New Models : Yes Quake-C Modifications : Yes * Construction * Base : Modified E2M8 from Doom Editor(s) used : WorldCraft, Meddle Known Bugs : Please tell me any you find * Copyright / Permissions * I guess id has the copyright to most of this...