Title : DAMAGE INC. Filename : DAMAGINC.WAD Author : Warpony Email Address : warpony@msn.com Misc. Author Info : Description : This is a 5 level Deathmatch wad. Additional Credits to : id Software, Quake, Panther7, Dloew, Rocko, Iceman, Proteus, midiguy (for the music on map 2), 914 Man ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : map1-map5 Single Player : Yes (only to look around) Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : on some maps New Sounds : Yes!! All weapon sounds remixed. Some are completely new(made by me), others just remixed. All (except plasma and BFG) now have ricochet sounds. New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None To Play : type doom2 -file damaginc.wad (also -altdeath or -deathmatch) MAP 1: This is a remake of map1 DooM2. It's called Lioncage. Reason being, the BFG is in a cage (thus "lioncage"). There are no items in single player mode on this map, so don't waste time looking. You should be Deathmatching on it anyway. MAP 2: This was originally called "DeathFog" because I had a fog palette in this wad. If you want the original wad e-mail me or find it under the name Warpony3.zip. There are a few weapons here for kicks, but they don't reflect weapon placement in the Deathmatch mode. To leave the level you must open *ALL* of the exit signs(doors) and cross the platform in the middle of the map. This takes you to a teleprot room. You have 3 choices of teleports. One of them (the most obvious) will end the game. The other 2 take you back to the map. After getting a megasphere why would you want to leave? MAP 3: This is a small, fast outdoor map. You cannot get the BFG in single player mode. There are a couple of weapons and items on this map. They are in the same positions in DM mode. Rocko and Proteus really like this one. MAP 4: Kinda complex map with nukage you can swim in. I think this one *looks* the best. The BFG is in the tower near the central area of the map. There is a teleport somewhere that takes you up there. There are no weapons on this map in single player mode. MAP 5: Map 5 is a secret level from DooM 1. We (914 Man and I) like to DM on this one. I removed the doors to make it faster. Also, the monsters are gone. Getting the BFG involves passing through a couple of teleports, one of which is the pen in the middle of the map. There are no weapons in single player mode. There are added weapons in DM mode. The plasma and BFG are in a small room off the exit room. * Construction * Base : New levels(3) from scratch,Modified map1/DooM2, Modified secret level/DooM1 Build time : way,waaay too long Editor(s) used : DooMed 4.0, Wintex, DMapED Known Bugs : There are a couple of mirroring things on map 4 in the nukage. I didn't think they were that big a deal so I left them. If you want to get rid of them, go ahead. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Please contact me if you want to use this or any part of this wad in a compilation. * Where to get this WAD * BBS numbers: Rocko's BBS 1.630.238.1213 (if you distribute this wad somewhere else, please the location here. Thanks)