------ Fantasy vs. Future Quake Documentation v1.0 (11/25/96) [BETA] Quake Add-on Hap and Raison's FvF Quake server: created by: Richard Cheung (Hap) hap@ucsd.edu with additional help by: Raison raison@juno.com (additional credits from other authors at end of docs) NOTE THIS DOC IS INCOMPLETE. PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND I WILL ADD MORE TO IT WITH SUCCEEDING VERSIONS OF FVF. ------ [Table of Contents] Ia. Introduction: What is Fantasy vs. Future (FVF) Quake? b. What's New in this Version IIa. What do I need to run it? b. How do I run it? IIIa. FVF Quake in Detail. b. Character Balance Issues c. Classes d. Weapons IV. Misc. stuff. V. Additional Credits: I didn't do this alone. ------ [Ia. Introduction: What is Fantasy vs. Future (FVF) Quake?] This documentation is brief, but straightforward. Fantasy vs. Future Quake, FVF for short, is an add-on to Quake, a highly customizable game by id Software. FVF exists as a data file without ever modifying Quake's original files. FVF works completely as both a single players game or (deathmatch and co-op) multiplayer game. In FVF, generic characters of magical fantasy: mages, fighters, etc. fight against typical characters sci-fi future i.e. laser soldiers. The normal Quake character is left unaltered and is classified as future. FVF intentionally does not use any foriegn models or sounds. If FVF ran additional models (MDLs) or sounds (WAVs), then players without the FVF could not connect to a FVF server. For many players, figuring out how to connect to a Quake server is a task all to itself, nevermind downloading patches. This especially true for new players and computer owners. New models will be worked on when easy dynamic downloading is avalible. (I promise to have better written docs soon.) - [Ib. What's New in this Version] 1.0 First public beta release version. a. 23 Different Weapons (15 New Weapons) b. 5 Players Class (4 New Classes) c. No messy impulses ------ [IIa. What Do I Need to Run It?] To run FVF, you should have enough system to requirements to comfortably and adequately play Quake and, of course, run registered Quake. - [IIb. How Do I Run It?] 1. Download FVF into a temporary directory. 2. Decompress FVF into a SUBDIRECTORY in QUAKE. For example: If your Quake stored in C:\QUAKE, then decompress FVF into C:\QUAKE\FVF. If Quake is in C:\GAMES\QUAKE, then decompress into C:\GAMES\QUAKE\FVF. 3. Run Quake with the command QUAKE.EXE -GAME FVF. 4. Run Quake as you normally would. To change character classes, change your TEAM color (see below). ------ [IIIa. FVF Quake in Detail] FVF currently consist of 5 character types or classes. They are classified as either fantasy or future. They are selected by changing your team color. This can be done by typing COLOR # at the console (the # meaning a number) or changing your OPTIONS under MULTIPLAYER in the Quake Menu. Make you change your pants color because it is your team color. -- [IIIb. Character Balance Issues] Keep the following in mind before you send me feedback on character balance. 1. Quake Soldier is the considered the average character. 2a. The Enforcer Soldier will not run out ammo because he can recharge. b. The lasers have velocity of 600. Compared to the rocket with a velocity of 1000, the laser is very easy to dodge at moderate distances. Therefore the spread effect is justified. 3. The Fighter and Sniper is very weak without power-ups. With powerups, it is the skilled player's dream. The Sniper and the Fighter are complete opposites, almost are arch-enemies. The Sniper is the Anti-Fighter. -- [Classes] Color 0 and 8: Quake Soldier Classification: Future The Quake Soldier is left unaltered. Everything is left the same for diehard fans. Color 1 and 9: Enforcer Soldier Classification: Future Weapon Style: Lasers and Energy Weapons Special Powers: Recharging Cells at 1-5 per second Misc. Changes: None Note: Has BFG The Enforcer Soldier is the typical laser soldier. He uses mainly lasers which increase in a spread, much like a shooter game. All his weapons except the rocket launcher and grenade launcher uses cells. However, it does not commonly run out of cells. The enforcer recharges 1 cell per second. Additionally, every second he can automatically trade (lose) up to 2 shells for 2cells and 2 nails for 2 cells, for a max gain of 5 cells per second provided you have enough shells or nails to trade (1+2+2=5). Color 2 and 10: Fighter Classification: Fantasy Weapon Style: Magic Axe of the Warrior Special Powers: Paladin Healing Misc. Changes: Melee weapon only except for flare Note: Can shoot Paladin Soul Flare The Fighter is your hand-to-hand guy of the fantasy realm. Like a role-playing game, the fighter can increase in levels. The fighter is not easy to learn. A starting fighter, level two is extremely weak; however a level sever fighter is extremely powerful if played by a skilled player. The Fighter advances in levels, through power ups, when he picks up weapons. For example, his Magic Axe of the Warrior can increase from 75 damage to 225 damage. Also, he fighter has Paladin Healing which lets him heal 1 hit point per half-second with the shotgun and 2 hit points per half-second with the Super Shotgun. By pushing 2 or changing weapons, the Fighter will fire a soul flare with will light up the room. Since the flare is derived from the Fighter's soul, he will lose one hit point and he will weaken, unable to attack for 2 seconds. Not to worry, the Fighter will usually heal the lost hit point within a second; just don't fire too many flares! (Damn... Tired... Will write more later in next doc. Other characters currently include Mage (color 3 and 11) and Sniper (color 4 and 12)