---=== QUAKEMAP ===--- for Windows 95 Version 2.3 This is the documentation for the QuakeMap Editor only. See EXPLORER.TXT for documentation about the QuakeMap Explorer. QuakeMap Editor is a basic level editor for the game Quake from id Software. It provides for full 3D editing of .map files, allowing you to build levels by using polyhedrons with any number of sides with any angle: you are not restricted to cubes. What's new (non-exhaustive list) : - Entities now displayed with a cross on the map. - Entity list is now hierarchical. Entities can be arranged by groups. - Grouping of brushes. - Clipboard operations (copy, cut and paste). - Brush rotation and scaling. - Streamlined interface with new buttons. - Brush substraction. - Unlimited UNDO/REDO. - Duplicators. - Easier Multiple Specific/Arg edition. * Introduction * The screen you see when you first open Quake Map is this Quake Map Explorer. If you open a .qme file, the left portion of the screen will display the items (such as text descriptions, patches, etc.) that are included. From here, you can open the map to work on the level. You can also directly open a .map file and work on it. When you open a map, you see the QuakeMap Editor. The main screen is divided into 3 regions. The two regions at the right shows you the level you are currently editing. The bottom window has a yellow background and is a top view of the level.The top region, which is green, is a front view (this "side" view can be rotated throughout 360 degrees, not limiting you to just XY or XZ views). The level is drawn in wireframe. The left region shows you various parameters, such as the view scale, the grid, some editing icons, the compass, and the currently selected object. To understand basic Quake editing principles, open an already existing .map or .qme file, like the included sample Test.qme. Use the "file" menu to open the desired map. Note that the file Models.qme is used internally by QuakeMap, to hold, among other, the list of standard entities, and contains no real map itself. To play a level, choose "GO!" in the "Quake" menu. There are other options, but the first one is a summary of the next ones : it extracts the necessary textures in a wad file, launches QBSP and then Quake. You will be asked where the QBSP/VIS/LIGHT utilities are on your hard disk. As long as no object (entity or polyhedron) is selected, the bottom left region of the screen lists all of the entities of the map. An entity is either a particular Quake item, enemy, light spot, etc, or a solid object like a door, a switch, or the map itself. The former are shown beside a sphere, and the latter are shown beside a cube. Independant entities are associated with a particular spot in the level, which is the starting point of the item or monster. These entities are shown on the map as a cross, or +. If you click on one of these entities, the spot will be shown on both views of the map as a sphere. You can drag it elsewhere with the mouse. Moveable entities, i.e. those associated with solid objects like doors and platforms, are not associated with a starting point, but with some of the polyhedrons that constitute the level ("brushes"). If you click on one of these entities, the corresponding polyhedrons will be highlighted. The first entity in a Quake level is always "worldspawn", and it owns all the polyhedrons of the level except the ones owned by doors and buttons. The entities may be organized in a hierarchical design, to help you work on the level. You can group polyhedrons and/or entities together. These are called "groups" and are displayed with a "cube in a folder" icon. Groups do not correspond to anything for Quake; they are only useful for you while you are making your maps. Although some effort will be made here to educate the user on Quake editing, that is not the real purpose. For current information regarding the types of entities, and the variables associated with them, please refer to a site such as Quake Map Specifications, http://www.infi.net/~nichd/qmapspec.html. In addition, you may want to look at the maps included in sqeam.zip and qtricks.zip at ftp.cdrom.com for some examples to learn by. -= Running your levels =- Before you start making your levels, have a look at the Quake menu. The "GO!" command lets you play with your level. It extracts your map in a .map file, runs QBSP, VIS and LIGHT, and then launches Quake. The "QuickGO!" command is essentially the same, but faster. It doesn't run VIS and runs LIGHT without the "-extra" parameters : your shadows won't look very good. Try opening a few of the example maps and running them this way. [TIP: for large levels, you can bypass VIS and/or LIGHT if they are working for a too long time : press Ctrl-C to interrupt them.] * Working with polyhedrons * Here lies the real "basics" of creating a Quake level. Before your level can be populated with monsters, weapons and powerups, there has to be a "world" for these items to exist in. In id's terms, these polyhedrons, coupled with textures make a "brush". Throughout this document, these terms may be used interchangably. -= Basics =- In .map files, polyhedrons are represented by the definition of each of their sides. Apart from the texture, a side is only defined by the plane in which it lies. This program uses the same concept. This mean you cannot manipulate vertexes of the polyhedrons, but only sides, or more exactly only the planes which define the sides. Only convex polyhedrons are allowed and the whole polyhedron is determined by the set of planes. You work by moving, resizing or rotating these planes, and the program will compute the new vertexes and display the resulting polyhedron. A convex polyhedron is any multisided object, that does not have any sides that fold toward itself. The easiest way to understand this is with a simple test. If you draw a straight line through a convex polyhedron, regardless of the angle or position of the polyhedron, the line will only enter once, and exit once. To select a polyhedron, first click on the green side view at the desired polyhedron's height. This set a red reference line across the width of the view window. Next click on the yellow top view inside the desired polyhedron. This click is converted into a 3D position: the X and Y coordinates are those of the point where you clicked in the top view, and the Z coordinate is the coordinate of the red reference line in the side view. If this leads to a 3D point which is inside of an existing polyhedron, then the polyhedron is selected and shown darker. Once a polyhedron is selected, in addition to changing to a darker color, a black handle is displayed in the center of the polyhedron, and white handles are shown at the center of each face. IMPORTANT: by clicking with the right mouse button on either an entity in the entity list or on a polyhedron or on one of the handles, you will bring up a context-sensitive menu. Not only are these right-button menus very useful, but they also sometimes contains commands that are not found in menus. So do not forget to right-click everywhere. You can move a polyhedron by dragging the center black handle or by changing the "center" value in the information area at the left of the screen. This will not cause any distortion to the polyhedron. To change the polyhedrons shape, you have to select one particular side by clicking on one of the white handles. In addition to showing a white handle, you will see a normal vector and yellow lines from the handle to each vertex, defining the selected side. You can move the plane defining that side by dragging the handle. This will resize the polyhedron. You can change the side's orientation and angle by clicking on the end (gray circle) of the white normal vector handle. When a face of a polyhedron is selected, the side's texture name and parameters are shown in the information area at the left of the screen. For any side, you can choose any texture and any texture offsets, texture rotation angle, and texture scaling factors. You can also pick a texture from the texture browser; see below. You can always cancel what you have done by using the UNDO function. It may be found either in the Edit menu, or by clicking on one of the buttons at the left of the screen. You can UNDO and REDO the last 25 (by default) operations you made. -= Operations between polyhedrons =- Adding a new side to a polyhedron allow you to have more than the default 6-sides to your polyhedron. IMPORTANT: altought the old "split up this side" command is still available, I recommend not using it any more. Here are the easier, alternate ways. Let's start with this example. Let's say you have built a wall, and want to make a hole in it. To do this, you use "brush substraction". You create a cube, move it into the wall exactly where you want the hole to be, and "subtract" the cube from the wall. To do this, click on the wall, then hold down the Shift key and click on the cube. This operation starts a group-selection. More on this later. For now, just see how both the wall and the cube are selected. Then, choose "Substract" in the Edit menu. This will split up the wall into as many convex polyhedrons as required to make a wall with a hole. Don't forget to remove the cube you used as substracter. Let's come now to how to add a new side to a polyhedron. The easier way is to pick up another polyhedron, move it over the previous one, and do brush substraction. For example, if you want to cut one corner of a cube, you will do this : +-----+/\ A | | \ | /| \ +-----+ +-----+ / | + resulting A / / | / \ / B +---+ \ / \/ Substracting polyhedron B from polyhedron A will leave polyhedron A with one more side, as shown at the right. You can also cut a polyhedron in two parts along a plane. This gives you another way to do some operations like cutting just a corner off of a cube, separating a wall in two parts for assigning them different textures, etc. To cut a polyhedron, you have to choose the plane you'll use as the separation plane first. To do so, select a side of another polyhedron and choose "tag this side" by right-clicking on its handle. Then, select the polyhedron to cut and choose "Cut along plane" in the menu or in the context-menu. With the example above, you would select polyhedron B, right-click on the handle of the side that goes through polyhedron A, and choose "Tag this side"; the tagged handle is shown as a red square. Then, right-click on polyhedron A a choose "Cut along plane". -= Other operations =- Once you have created a few brushes that form a single object, such as stairs, a well, an arch, etc., you can select multiple brushes to work with by clicking on each desired polyhedron while holding either the shift or ctrl key. This group will be displayed on screen as highlighted with a dashed line in both map views and given the temporary group name of "(selection)". If you wish to save this grouping, simply change the name from "(selection)" to your name of choice. This will save your group information in .qme files. Keep in mind, if you save or export your map into .map format, group information WILL NOT be saved. Additional functions can be done through the use of the Movement Tool Palette. You can start the Tool Palette by clicking on the icon on the left side of the screen. This will provide you a selection of tools for moving, resizing and rotating brushes or whole groups. Brush rotation is very simple. With the desired brush selected, just click on the appropriate rotation direction button. The default rotation increment is 15 degrees, but you may change the rotation increment setting for all three axis. Enlarge / Shrink are often used together : for example, to enlarge a bit a polyhedron, you need to apply a scaling factor of, say, 1.2. To do so, enter 6 under Enlarge and 5 under Shrink, and click on both button. This will scale your brush by a factor of 6/5 = 1.2. You can use this, combined with brush substraction, to create rooms with special shapes. Create a polyhedron with the shape you want to give to the room, duplicate the polyhedron (by using the clipboard, "copy" and "paste" commands), enlarge one of the polyhedron, and substract the other polyhedron from this one. Then delete the small polyhedron. You have made a room that has exactly the shape of the original polyhedron, and with walls all around it. The use of the clipboard for cut, copy and paste operations can make duplication of repetitive objects (pillars, arches, etc.) much easier. These operations can be done on entities, polyhedrons, or a group. To copy a brush or group, after selecting the desired items, press ctrl-c. If you want to cut, then press ctrl-x. Both of these actions places the selected information onto the Windows clipboard. To paste this information, center the two map views on where you want the items placed, then press ctrl-v. This can be very handy for making stairs, for example. After creating your first step, click once or twice on the scroll bar arrows to offset in the appropriate direction, and paste. This method makes for very consistant spacing on stairs, pillars, etc. Note: pressing Ctrl-V pastes at the center of the screen if nothing is selected. To paste at a specific location, you should right-click on the map at this point and choose "paste here" in the menu. Note: since QuakeMap 2.0, you can also use Duplicators to acheive the same result - see at the end of this text. Although Quake Map does not support multiple maps open at one time, you can still cut and paste between maps. Simply select the items to copy and press ctrl-c. Then open the destination map, and press ctrl-v to paste. This is possible since the operation uses the Windows clipboard. -= Textures =- Using textures has been made easier than ever. You no longer need to have a texture .wad file to hold your textures. The first time you access the texture list, Quake Map will ask you to specify where Quake resides on your hard drive. It will then directly access the textures from within Quake's .pak files. The texture browser has also been improved to allow you to view multiple textures at one time. These textures are grouped by type, for easier use. You are also able to work with user-specific texture wads; see EXPLORER.TXT for more info. To directly apply a texture from the texture browser to the side of a polyhedron, right-click on the handle of the side, and choose "Texture..." in the context-menu, or click on the small "..." button near the Texture Edit box. You can also click on the button at the left of the screen with a texture icon. The Textures dialog box appears, and if you select a texture by double-clicking on it, will be applied to the selected side. Note that you can also apply a texture to a whole polyhedron; this assigns the same texture to each of its sides. You can even apply a texture to a whole group, or even to "worldspawn" itself, but be careful ! This replaces every texture in the group by the choosen texture. Anyway, don't forget that you can always UNDO a wrong operation. * Working with entities * If you double-click on one of the entities in the list, you'll be shown the list of parameters associated with this entity. Parameters are pairs of Spec-Arg: a Specific is a parameter name, and an Argument is this parameter's value. Double-click on a Specific to edit the associated Arg's value. For example, every entity must have a "classname" Specific, whose Argument specifies the type of entity, like "light" or "weapon_rocketlauncher"; and most entities have an "origin" Specific, whose Arg specifies the coordinates of the starting point or location of the entity. This is the Specific which is used to show the cross on the map. If you move the cross, it will modify the associated Arg. Note that the arrow keys may also be used to move entities or polyhedrons. Some entities may have Specifics whose meaning depends on the classname. For example, lights can have a "light" Specific, whose Arg specifies the light power. For more information about which Specifics are meaningful with which classnames, move the mouse cursor over the "?". This will display a help about the entity classname. You can use the "easy", "medium", "hard" and "deathmatch" buttons to choose at with game level the entity is to appear. Some entities also have special "flags", i.e. some of their behavior may be turned on or off. They are displayed at the bottom of the screen as checkboxes. -= Groups =- A group is a particular item in the hierarchical list that is used to hold other entities. If you select several polyhedrons and/or entities, by holding down the Ctrl or the Shift key while clicking on them, you will create a temporary "(selection)" group. If you rename this group to something else, you will create a non-temporary group. Such a group is only used to hold other entities, unlike "brush items" like doors and lifts. Doors and lifts are made of an entity containing moving polyhedrons, so they are "groups" in the sense that they can contain sub-items. Every polyhedron owner by a door of lift entity is considered to be part of the door or the lift, and will move with it. Note that you may also use doors and lifts entities like true groups and put other entities or sub-groups into them, as well as polyhedrons. You can move entities, polyhedrons and even sub-groups into or outside groups by dragging their icon in the entity list. This should be intuitive enough. The only delicate point is that polyhedrons are not represented by icons in this list, so they can't be dragged like entities and sub-groups. You need to either click on the "group" button or use the Shift key to select the polyhedron(s) as "(selection)". When this is done, you have something to drag elsewhere : the (selection) group itself. When you create a new polyhedron or a new entity, it is created as sub-item of the currently selected group. That is, you have two ways to associate polyhedrons with doors or lifts, i.e. to build doors and lifts : either you click on the icon of the said door and then choose the "new" button, which will create the new polyhedron directly associated with the door; or, to change associations later, you first have to select the polyhedron(s) in a "multi-selection" manner. This would lead to a "(selection)" temporary group in the hierarchical list. From there, you simply drag the icon "(selection)" and drop it onto the door icon. By clicking on the icon of group, all the associated polyhedrons and entities are highlighted, which is a good way to check which polyhedrons are in with which groups. You can also know where a particular polyhedron is by clicking on it and looking what "Owner by" says. By double-clicking on the icon of a group, you are shown all the Specifics of its sub-items, which allows you to modify some of them in a single operation. Note that this operation also works on the "(selection)" group. You can, for example, change the light level of any number of light entities in a single operation. To do so, you have to regroup all your lights. If you save this grouping by renaming "(selection)" to something else, "My lights", for example, you will be able to quickly change again the light level later. -= Doors, triggers, etc =- To be able to make doors, triggers, lifts, and such things, you need to know how to work with groups. If you didn't, read the above section first. Doors, lifts and triggers are polyhedrons associated with a particuliar behavior, definied by an entity. That is why I will call these entities "bursh entities". Brush entities are entities that you insert from the "New.." window, like other entities, but their icon in the entity list is a cube instead of a sphere. Basically, they work as groups. You can put polyhedrons into or outside them with the methods described in the previous section. What is important to understand is that every polyhedron owned by a brush entity is considered by Quake as a part of this entity. For example, a door entity has to own one or a few polyhedrons that define the shape of the door. Pratically, to make a door : add a "func_door" entity to your map; select it, and add a cube, which will be added as owned by the door; move and resize the cube to fit the expected position, and check its texture; finally, double-click on the "func_door" icon to edit the door's Specifics, like at which angle it opens, at which speed, etc. Triggers are regions of space that trigger some action when you or ennemies enter them. They work the same way as doors - with polyhedrons attached to them. The difference is that the polyhedrons are invisible; they only define the region of space. For example, to make teleporters, you have to build something that looks like a teleporter, and then add a trigger_teleport associated to an invisible cube around the teleporter. Most triggers need a "target" Specific. It lets you choose which action is triggered, a bit like LineDef and Sector tags in Doom. You can enter any text in the "target" Specific; any door or lift or anything that has a matching "targetname" Specific will be triggered. For more details, look at the on-line help available about every classname, by moving the mouse pointer over the "?", above the list of Specifics. -= Duplicators =- Duplicators are a convenient way to make repetivie objects like stairs, a row of columns, or a complex yet symmetrical room. To add a Duplicator to your map, open "Special" in the "New..." window. Duplicators are like standard entities, expect that they are not processed by Quake, but by QuakeMap itself. To set how and how many copies a Duplicator must build, you change some of its Specifics. Look in the on-line help for more details (move the mouse pointer over the "?" icon). Duplicators duplicate everything owned by the group in which they are. See 'Map4.qme' for examples of Duplicators : stairs, round stairs, and even the level itself, being symmetrical, are made with Duplicators. Copies build by a Duplicator will be really present in the extracted .map files, but they are not in QuakeMap. They are shown in blue, and you can't work on them. If you really want to, choose "Dissociate Images..." in the menu or context-menu. This will break the link between the Duplicator and some or all of its images. Note that Duplicators duplicate everything in the group in which they are - and even the group itself, i.e. if you put one in a func_door, you will get several func_doors with each a copy of the door shape, and not a single func_door with a shape that is n times the original shape. To get this latter result, put the Duplicator in a group that is in the func_door. You will get several groups - Quake doesn't know about groups, anyway - but a single func_door. * Conclusion * This documentation could be much longer, but I prefer stopping here ! Discover by yourself everything that QuakeMap allows. And don't forget to have a look at the QuakeMap Explorer, in file EXPLORER.TXT ! Thanks to Mike Melzer who wrote and updated many parts of this documentation. NO WARRANTIES, either expressed or implied. This software is provided "as is". Use at your own risk. The author cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to your computer or its data. Quake and all associated logo's and textures are the property of id Software. Author : Armin Rigo, armin.rigo@p22.gnothi.fn.alphanet.ch Comments/bug reports are welcome and encouraged.