*** WHAT'S NEW -- QuakeMap 2.3 *** Release : 11.11.96. For Windows 95. THIS VERSION OF QUAKEMAP IS SHAREWARE. IF YOU USE IT, YOU MUST REGISTER. See at the end of file QMAP23.TXT for more information. Import Wizard : a great help to import the great new things you found on the Internet - new monsters, new code patches you would like to make a level for, etc. Interactive Duplicators : you can move their copies with the mouse, it updates the Duplicator's 'offset'. Use it to create any number of copies of some brushes and entities, with one Duplicator for each, and move them anywhere else in your map. You can use any Progs.dat file as the base that compiled code patches, instead of just Quake's original Progs.dat. This allows you to reuse your favorite Progs.dat for which you don't have the source, and add new patches to it. You can bind an 'Impulse' to anything, not just a key, with the completed 'Autoexec' QuakeC command Better 'New entities' coding : you can now define new kinds of entities with their own icons, spawnflags and help texts, and all this through a Wizard. *** What were new in QuakeMap 2.2 (4.11.96) *** Polyhedrons are displayed in the hierarchy list : every group that directly owns polyhedrons has a new sub-item in this list, named "n polyhedrons". Double-click on it to select the first of these polyhedrons, and then use "<" and ">" buttons to walk trough the list. This is very useful to let you see which polyhedrons are where, logically. Holding down Ctrl while dragging things around force them to snap to grid. It also works to force to grid everything in a group. The "Zoom" button now also let you zoom in and see the selected polyhedron(s) Tested the QuakeC compiler : succeeded in adding tens of thousand of line of code to the existing Progs.dat ! It seems that QCC isn't able to handle so much code. If you have trouble with that, try out QuakeMap ! Multiple brush selection : just click and drag the mouse to draw a selection rectangle. Every polyhedron within it will be group-selected. Spacing problem with brush substraction : the resulting brushes where correctly glued together, but QBSP sometimes though they where not, which created small spaces between them. Fixed this with a new substraction algorithm. Better grid-aligned Cut and Paste The "Quake" menu is customizable : you can add your own entries and change the existing ones to do exactly what you want (QBSP, LIGHT, VIS or not, and with which parameters) .qme files are more often flushed : this prevents .qme files from being corrupted if QuakeMap or Windows crashes, which has been reported to happend sometimes. ...and, guess it, minor stuff. *** What were new in QuakeMap 2.1 (28.10.96) *** Polyhedrons and entities (and whole groups, also) may be moved by using the arrow keys. You can gray out anything but a group. This allows a more conceptual approach to the "gray out of view" feathure. If the mouse leaves the window while dragging entities, it will force it to scroll, like it does in any text editor. Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V now also work to cut/copy/paste text, not only entities or QuakeMap Explorer entries. With this, you can paste QuakeC code in the QuakeC editor from the clipboard. Prior to this, Shift-Ins was the only way to do it. Gives more information when opening a .map file fails (line number,...) Several bug fixes and improvements in the QuakeC compiler More options for SpawnFlags : so can tell in which modes individually each entity must appear : for example, in easy mode and deathmatch only, or always except in deathmatch. And other minor stuff... *** What were new in QuakeMap 2.0 (19.10.96) *** You can use your own textures, and import/export them from/to .wad, .bsp and .bmp files, as well as the clipboard. The TextureDef entry type stores your new textures. To down-scaled textures from .bmp's or the clipboard, a smoother algorithm is used than just dropping pixels. Looks good, I find DOS Run-Time ! You may distribute your .qme files and anyone can run them directly, thanks to this DOS version. The DOS version includes a QuakeC patch compiler, a .map extractor, a .bsp rebuilder, a texture extractor (from Quake's .pak files), and so on - everything required to achieve the same result as if you had clicked on the "GO!" button in QuakeMap. Source code available (for Borland Pascal 7) Help about entities. I just took back what I found in id's .qc files so that you can have it displayed when you work about entities Can edit Specifics and Args of several entities at once "Duplicators" : build one stairstep and tell it to duplicate this x times. Duplicators are live, i.e. you can modify the original step, and modifications will propagate to the other steps. Can also be used for round stairs, or to build a lot of columns, or also as a mirror, to allow you to build only one half of a complex yet symmetrical room New example .qme files. Shows you how to create your own crates, with your own textures, and use them the same way as "misc_explobox"es Completed documentation You can measure distances (like the "height" to give to a lift) : the distance you have made while dragging an entity or a polyhedron is displayed Group dragging - each group now has a handle, and not only the "(selection)" one Optionally draws axis in the map QuakeMap won't expect floats written with a "," instead of a "." even if the country-specific information says so Better error messages from the compiler Better error handling while loading a .map file - QuakeMap doesn't completely refuse to load them any longer Textures now look good in 256 color screen modes The "group" button, in the left of the QuakeMap Editor screen, now group-selects the sub-items of a group instead of the group itself And various minor stuff and bug fixes, as usual [ Dropped What's New from previous releases ] *** SHAREWARE *** This is the final QuakeMap 2.3. You may *not* use any longer the previously released beta versions. QuakeMap 2.3 is Shareware. Registration cost is not too much ($20). Please read the corresponding instructions at the end of file QMAP20.TXT *** What is QuakeMap Explorer ? *** It is no more centered on MAP files, altough you can still use it as you did with version 1.1; instead, it is centered on a proprietary file format, near than PAK files, which allows me to store some information about maps that couldn't be stored in a standard MAP file, like grouped polyhedrons. More interestingly, we can now regroup several other datas than maps in this proprietary file format. For example : new textures, or new files to replace or complete ID standard files, like sound and model files. Consider this : large maps often require A LOT of computing power, a lot of time, and a lot of RAM to compile (I've "only" 16Mb - and I'm having trouble compiling some large maps). That's why it would be useful to distribute BSPs instead of (or with) MAPs. But BSPs are large files, and it is illegal to distribute them, anyway, because it usually contains some of ID's original textures. So I added the ability to import BSP files, textures removed, in QuakeMap's files. Not only does this reduce size, it makes the distribution of BSPs legal. Then, on another computer, QuakeMap reconstructs the original BSP, using textures from the local computer's PAK (or unPAKed) files. Right now, I have even included parts of the REACC program I made and distributed (see DEACC & REACC). REACC is a compiler like QCC, which I wrote without knowing that ID would release QCC. The purpose of including REACC into QuakeMap is double. First, it will provide another way to distribute QuakeC patches - a better way, because you will distribute only portions of files that changed, not full files like now. The interest of it is to allow you to use several patches at once. This is usually not easy with the current method of distributing complete modified files : to play with several of the patches, you have to figure out what really changed in which file, and regroup yourself the changes. QuakeMap's integrated patch compiler should be able to deal with multiple patches from multiple sources. Second, it will allow us to associate QuakeC patches with particular levels. We'll then be able to build level-specific programs, like we did in Hexen. For example, we could do something like Hexen's first level, where there are walls that make a half turn, fire a few fireballs on you, and then rotate back in place. This could be done in a standard QuakeC patch, but associating this patch with the level make it far easier to use, and prevent oneself from playing the level without the patch or vice-versa. It also provides a consistent way of assigning actions with new keys - you know, "impulse" commands. You'll be shown a list of new actions the installed patches provides, and you'll have to choose a key for each of them. QuakeMap will then automatically remap impulse numbers as needed (useful for several patches from serveral sources) and write the "autoexec.cfg" to bind them with the keys you choosen. I have also made a light-weight DOS run-time, easily distributable and configurable, which can expand files of the proprietary file format into playable files, with the correct directory structure, add textures to BSPs, as well as compiling QC patches and prompting for key assignment. *** Any comment, suggestion or bug report is welcome. You may distribute this program on any support, as far as you conform to the requirements found at the end of file QMAP23.TXT. As usually, I won't assume any responsability for whatever might occur by using my program, either directly or indirectly. No warraties ! Armin Rigo. (armin.rigo@p22.gnothi.fn.alphanet.ch)