Frames Tutor- Lesson 6

OK, let's make home.html, here.html and there.html. Since you've been working very hard (and I'm sick of typing), just go ahead and copy the following into Notepad and save them.

Save the following as home.html

<TITLE>A Practice Page- Home</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN=center>You are home.</H1>
Welcome to my homepage! This page should be attractive and easy to navigate because my teacher Joe, besides being VERY handsome, has taught me the right way to build Frames!<P>
<CENTER>Enjoy your stay!</CENTER><P>

VIEW home.html

Save this as here.html

<TITLE>A Practice Page- Here</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN=center>Here</H1>
Welcome to here. Here is where everything happens. Here you'll find more neat stuff than you can shake a stick at. Have you ever seen anyone shake a stick at something?? I never have.

VIEW here.html

And of course this one as there.html.

<TITLE>A Practice Page- There</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN=center>This is There</H1>
I would like to make a proposal. We have all seen that little arrow on signs that say "You are here". Wouldn't it be better if there were also another arrow that says "You should be there". It would make things so much easier.

VIEW there.html

Now view your Master Page.

We forgot something. If you caught the problem back when you were making the directory page... good! So open up directry.html and add the necessary TARGETs.

<TITLE>Practice Page- Directory</TITLE>


<A HREF="home.html" TARGET="MAIN-WINDOW">Home</A><P>

<A HREF="here.html" TARGET="MAIN-WINDOW">Go here</A><BR>
<A HREF="there.html" TARGET="MAIN-WINDOW">or there</A><P>

or visit<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Yahoo</A><BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Netscape</A>


Now try your Master Page.

Works pretty good, doesn't it! Now just for giggles, let's add a link from your home page to me at Professional Web Design. Open up home.html and plug it in. Make sure you add the proper TARGET because although I really like you, I don't want to show up in your window.

<TITLE>A Practice Page- Home</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN=center>You are home.</H1>
Welcome to my homepage! This page should be attractive and easy to navigate because my teacher Joe, besides being VERY handsome, has taught me the right way to build Frames!<P>
<CENTER>Enjoy your stay!</CENTER><P>
Visit Joe at <A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Professional Web Design</A>. </BODY>

View the finished product.

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