51WINTER.zip ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Two winter palettes for FS 5.1 and sample associated batch files. I previously produced FS5AWINT.zip for FS 5.0(a), but simply didn't get around to doing this for 5.1 until now, prompted by positive comments re. my 51WATER1.zip on the Flight-Sim list, and by negative comments re. what was termed "hacking" on the MSN conferences re. FS6. This text is based on the FS5AWINT.txt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is northern hemisphere summer getting you down? It's fall already, right? Try a flight over the Alps or go buzzing NYC's Central Park after a light snowfall... 51WINTER.zip contains winter-use replacements for FS5.PAL. No, not everything turns white... It simulates more of a light snowfall, with gentle gradations on mountains. IMPORTANT: ^^^^^^^^^ 51MSWINT.pal is the winter version of the stock 5.1 FS5.pal (in the \texture directory). "MS" stands for you-know-what. Use this if you never changed it. 51CCWINT.pal is the winter version of the palette contained in 51WATER1.zip, and should be used for winter if you're a user of that palette. "CC" stands for "color-corrected", but could also be my initials, ahem... You will only use one or the other. <<<<<<<<<<<--------- Flight Simulator recognizes a stock palette named FS5.pal. So copies must be made or names changed. Here's my suggestion to automate the process: Place the appropriate winter palette (?.pal) in the primary \TEXTURE subdir. Modify to your taste (see below) the included batch files and place them where you normally execute batch files from. Let's simply say that you should make the current FS5.PAL your "summer" palette. *You must* first copy FS5.pal to 51SUMM.pal. If your current FS5.pal is the one from 51WATER1.zip, you might call the copy instead 51CCSUMM.pal, why not? The easy way to implement the swap is via SUMMER51 and WINTER51 batch files. SUMMER51.bat simply takes your summer palette (51SUMM.pal or 51CCSUMM.pal) and copies it to the standard FS5.pal. WINTER51.bat takes 51MSWINT.PAL (or modify it to copy 51CCWINT.pal) and copies it to FS5.pal. Run FS as normal until you want a change of season again. MEIGS.PAL appears to be a little different, so I've done nothing with/to it. Unfortunately, there are two or three shades of green which are hard-wired into FS (grrrrrrr), but then, depending upon the crop type, some fields do retain more snow than others (sorry for the lame excuse). Effects on panels: I've noticed that the Cessna's ADI in winter automatically detects and displays a much lighter snowy ground (amazing). Other side effects: Alitalia's DC-9 gets a green stripe of a different color, because the authors used a color which is normally used for ground, and maybe it was the only way to do it. The original palettes are very much copyrighted by BAO and MS, and my present contribution is nothing but the playful changing of a few bytes here and there, with absolutely no intention of jumping that rightful claim. ----------- XXXXXXXXXXX ------------ carlos.coimbra@flight642.com or aa713@torfree.net or coimbra@hotmail.com and FSFan, ILINK, RIME, NANet and Usenet simulator conferences Toronto 96/9/30 (Version 1)