Using and Installing the Program Gas Law Installing GasLaw on your hard drive: To install GasLaw on your hard drive type start windows and click on File in the upper left hand corner of Program Manager. If using Windows 95 click on Start in the lower left hand corner. Choose Run from the file menu and type and enter path\install where path is the location of the gaslaw files. For example, if the files are on the root directory of A drive you would enter A:\install. Install will create a directory called C:\GASLAW, copy all of the appropriate files, and create the necessary icons. Purpose of the program It is difficult for students to visualize the behavor of gases on the molecular level. this program allows the student to see an graphical representation of molecular motion of gases and how changing pressure, temperature, volume, and moles can affect that motion. The Automaticautomatic section of the program will take them through a step by step process where parameters are changed and the effect on the system can be visualized as the changes occur. A laboratory that can be used with the automatic portion of the program is included with the registered version. (See register.txt). The ideal gas law can be examined as well as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of molecular kinetic energy as temperature is changed. The manualmanual portion of the program allows the student to vary pressure, moles, volume, and temperature as they desire to see the effects on the system. The manual portion of the program is disabled in the unregistered version. Using the Program: Gas Law Menu This menu can be used to exitexit the program. Start Item Clicking on this item will allow the user to start the molecules in motion. This item is only available when the program is in the manual mode. To stop the motion of the molecules click on Pause.pause Pause Item Clicking on this item will allow the user to stop the molecular motion. This item is only available when the program is in the manual mode. To start the motion of the molecules click on Startstart Change Variables/Constants Item When choosing this menu item a dialog box will be presented with a number of checkboxes. Check the boxes of the parameters you want to vary. You may choose only two items a one time. This item will only work when the program is in the manual mode. Only parameters that are variables can be changed by clicking on the parameter scroll barsparameter. Mode Menu When choosing this menu you may change the mode of the program from manual to automatic and back. In the unregistered version of the program the Manual mode will not function. See register.txt for more information. Click on Manualmanual or Automaticautomatic. Next Item When choosing this the next portion of the automatic sequence of the program will be presented. This option only works when the program is in the automatic mode. Varying parameters. In order to change volume, pressure, temperature or pressure it must have variable written by the appropriate scroll bar. To change a parameter from a constant to a variable or a variable to a constant click on ChangeVariables/Constantschange on the Menu Bar. Use the mouse to change a parameter either by clicking on the arrow keys of the scroll bar or by dragging the thumb control of the scroll bar. The thumb control is the movable square on the scroll bar and it can be dragged by clicking the left mouse button on the control, moving the mouse to the desired location and then releasing the left mouse button. If changing a variable results in the other variable going out of range any further change will be prevented. Manual Mode This mode allows the user to vary pressure, temperature, moles, and volume as desired. To change any parameters use the scroll barsparameter in the upper left hand corner of the screen. This mode will not function in the unregistered version of the program. See register.txt for more information. Automatic Mode This mode will walk the user through changes in moles, pressure, temperature, and volume. Everything is changed automatically so all the user need do is click and watch. After a sequence is completed and the user is ready for the next step click on Nextnext on the main menu. A laboratory which can be used with this portion of the program is included with the registered copy. See register.txt for more information. Exit To quit the program select this menu item or press Alt-x. Help can be obtained at any time by clicking on the Help Menu item. If you have any problems my E-Mail address is Timothy J. Allen DISCLAIMER ---------- THE GASLAW PROGRAM IS SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OF THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE THIS PROGRAM. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS' LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF CLAIM. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISKS AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AND ENFORCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA.