** MEMORY MATH v 1.5 Copyright 1996 Gary Bacon Memory Math v 1.5 is designed to help children in the primary grades memorize the 0-9 math tables. Many of the math problems in any given quiz will be easier than the level chosen. The problems are selected at random up to the specified level. The idea is that it be a positive experience, (answering more questions correctly than incorrectly); and that it is fun. If it is enjoyable, they will do it, and if they do it often, they will learn the math tables. ** System Requirements: An IBM compatible PC or better MSDOS 3.x or higher ( will run in WINDOWS 3.1 ) Color Monitor, CGA or better ** Printing: You will notice, that when you print out division problems that the regular division ( ö ) symbol is replaced by the slash ( / ) symbol, this is because many printers do not correctly print ascii characters such as ( ö ). So the ( / ) is used instead. ** Running Memory Math from a floppy: Memory Math will run from a floppy. BUT Memory Math MUST be able to write (save) to files it creates on the disk, so the write protection on the disk MUST be turned OFF. To run the program, change to the prompt that reflects the floppy drive you are using, and type: MEM-MATH ** Hard Drive Installation: Unzip MEMATH15.ZIP to a temperary directory, run the INSTALL program from the DOS prompt to install Memory Math to your hard drive. The install program needs to be told the path to install Memory Math to. The proper way to do this is as follows, at the DOS prompt type: INSTALL C:\SPS-MM This would create a directory called SPS-MM on the "C" drive and copy all Memory Math files to it. SPS-MM is the directory of choice but you can install Memory Math to any drive you wish. To install to the "D" drive what you would type, would look like this: INSTALL D:\SPS-MM To run the program from your hard drive, change to the SPS-MM directory, and type: MEM-MATH ** Running Memory Math in WINDOWS 3.1: Memory Math is well behaved in WINDOWS 3.1 (thats how we use it at our house). Original icons (DUSTY.ICO & MEM-MATH.ICO) are included for for your use, as well as .BMPs (DUSTY.BMP & MEM-MATH.BMP) which can be used as a wallpaper. To use the .BMPs: Copy MEM-MATH.BMP to the WINDOWS directory, go to the Program Manager's Control Panel and choose desktop, MEM-MATH.BMP and DUSTY.BMP will be listed under wallpapers, select it and choose tile; I hope you like bright colors. To setup an icon in WINDOWS 3.1 I will need to refer you to the WINDOWS Manual, it is not difficult to do, but following the Manual would be best. ** To UnInstall Memory Math: Can't imagine why anyone would want to do it. But should the need arise, just: 1.delete the icon in Program Manager (if installed) 2.delete the contents of the SPS-MM directory and the directory its self 3.it's gone, but wouldn't you miss it? ** Shareware: Memory Math is shareware, that means, trying it out before you buy it, sharing it with a friend, and if after a reasonable amount of time (3-4 weeks), you decide to keep it, paying the author. When passing on Memory Math be sure to give the complete MEMATH15.ZIP file. This program is shareware, it is not crippled. However, those registering Memory Math will recieve more. Like: The most current version of Memory Math (probably more sounds, praise comments & animation) The registration reminders are removed (of course) The program on a floppy (format of you choice) Printed documentation The Information screen will show your name as the registered user. Notification of updates In the informational part of the program the price for Memory Math is said to be $10. But, I would like your input, so, if you will include a short paragraph telling what you like about Memory Math, or how it can be improved, you will be able to register it for $5. I can't promise to do everything that might be suggested, but with your input Memory Math will hopefully be a more useful tool. Just print out this file, fill out the registration information questions at the end and mail it to me at: Gary Bacon 5654 Northcreek Rd Beulah, Co 81023 (Be sure to include your paragraph!) Cash, check or M.O. only please, I can't do charges. Any suggestions, comments or thoughts would be very much appreciated. PARTICULARLY if you decide not to register Memory Math; because we aim to please. E-mail me at: gwbacon@aol.com ** Revision History: 1.0 Initial release. Math problems, printing, clean out my file (remove missed problems from user file) Color 1.5 Second release. Improved interface, added "Dusty", added ability to print a page of problems, added the ability to change the user file without having to exit the program, renamed (clean out my file) Empty Your File, more control of input, printed material is better formated, added a variety of congratulatory remarks, and the official testers (my kids) say it's alot more fun. 1.2 Monochrome Same as v1.5 but, monochrome,(& Herc) ** Disclaimer: Although much effort was put into insuring the soundness of this software, because of the various hardware and software enviroments into which this program may be put, the user must assume the responsibility for all use of this program. The author hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software. ** Registration Information: Name: Address: City, State & Zip: E-mail?: Your computers CPU is a?: Mhz: DOS version you use: Do you run Windows 3.1?: Type of color monitor?: Floppy size: