ReadMe file for READER Release 2A READER is shareware, which means that it is not free, and to use it after the evaluation period of sixty days, it must be registered. Please read this file completely before running READER for the first time. The installation program set up a new Reader program group, but if you want Reader to run automatically when you start Windows, you should move the Reader icon to the StartUp Group. If you don't know how to do this, send me EMail. The Window's screen saver function can cause READER to freeze while reading longer files. It is a problem in Windows, so you should select 'none' for a screen saver under the desktop window in the Control Panel when you are using READER to read files. READER's hot keys are: "Pause" : brings up the main window. then: "B" : reads any text on the Clipboard. "R" : Activates the 'Read a File' dialog. "H" : Reads the help.txt file. While reading text files sentence by sentence or line by line: "P" pauses the reading until the Space Bar is pressed "Q" or "Pause" Aborts the reading. "S" Saves or goes to the Bookmark.(see help.txt) The arrow keys move back or forward in the file. When the main window is active, 'X' closes PAM. There are hot keys to activate any of the buttons. When you first run READER you will be asked for your first name. Enter your legitimate name, as READER will refer to you by that name from then on, and you cannot change it later. A fake name could prove embarrasing and I can't change it for you. Even subsequent downloads of READER will not allow you to change the user name you first entered. You have been warned! If you are visually challenged, you should probably listen to the help file first. You can do this by pressing 'H' while in the main window. If you are not visually challenged, you may find the new feature added with this version useful. Reader will display the sentences it is reading. The current sentence on the top half of its display window, and the next sentence in the bottom half. This may be useful for studying or proof reading. If you wish to distribute a copy of READER to friends for evaluation, ONLY give them the ORIGINAL zipped file (READER2A.ZIP). If you just zip up the files in your directory, they will have a program that uses your name, and it can't be changed. Reader is a spin-off from the PAM appointment manager program. Reader and PAM cannot be run at the same time on the same computer, as they use different speech font technology. Overview: READER is a multimedia Windows(tm) application designed to be run on a computer with a sound card installed in Windows(tm) 3.1 or later. You may find conflicts between READER and other applications that use the sound card. Windows(tm) 3.1 is not a true multi-threaded system, and it will crash sometimes. READER keeps track of its own requests for speech, and trys to handle other ones, but you may crash your system once in a while. If you select something that will cause READER to speak, and then select it again before READER has spoken, two simultaneous requests will be sent to the sound card and READER will probably crash, and the sound card will be disabled until you restart Windows(tm). A sentence longer than 5000 bytes can also cause a crash. Please let me know by EMail if you run into any problems along these line. When reading text, READER ignores white space, so a piece of text formatted nicely to emphasize some point, will have no effect on how READER will read. READER does pay attention to punctuation however, and you can use this to change the way READER delivers messages. Periods, commas and colons all cause READER to pause, but to pause longer than one period, you can include multiple colons or commas separated by at least one space. When reading text files, READER may pause for a fairly long time. This is caused by a large sentence. It takes some time for READER to read in and process a large sentence for speech. Be patient. Although I have implemented background reading, a long sentence can still take longer to read and process than to say the previous sentence, which results in a delay. Sometimes during reading, Windows uses up the entire CPU, and this causes the speech to be rudely interrupted for a few seconds. It doesn't happen often though, but it can happen in the middle of a word. Reader includes a new male speech font. It speaks very well, and it now uses a large system exception dictionary (ewnbkern.dic) so you probably won't need to add many words to your exception dictionary (reader.dic), as Reader speaks most words correctly. When you purchase READER, you are entitled to unlimited free upgrades. Any time you see a newer version of READER, simply download and install it, make sure your old READER.CFG and READER.DIC files are backed up. Remember, you are only authorized to use READER for evaluation purposes for a period of 60 days. Any use of READER after sixty days without registering is illegal. Good Luck! Tom Slemko, President JTS Micro Consulting Ltd. 10931 Lytton Road, RR#4, Ladysmith, B.C. Canada, V0R 2E0 EMail: Web: FTP: /jts