Random Test Generator V1.5 Copyright 1997, Timothy Hirtle All Rights Reserved. 1/5/97 Object: The object of Random Test Generator is to allow educators to create test databanks which questions can be randomly selected. This serves two purposes, one is that it allows an entire class to receive different tests on the same subject, eliminating cheating and test compromise. Second, it eliminates the instructor to select questions themselves, assuming the test databanks are all valid. Description: Random Test Generator as the name implies will randomly select questions from up to 10 test database files to create any amount of tests. At no time will it randomly select the same question more than once on the same test. Test databases can be created without known limitations either in the number of questions in any single database or how many different databanks which can be created. The program allows either printed tests or video tests creations. An unlimited amount of printed tests can be created either all the same or all different tests in one easy set-up. Video tests can also be created using the randomizer, these tests can have an optional timer set. Video tests can also be either automatically or manually graded. If you do want to use the randomizer, you can create your own tests from these test databanks using the Manual Select option. Many editing features are available such as cut, copy and paste to save time typing and Find to locate specific text. Also available is a bookmark feature to memorize a specific question to automatically go back to in the future. Test databanks can be created, viewed, updated, and added to at anytime. Also available is a password protection option to keep your files away from prying eyes. Requirements: - Windows 3.x - VBRUN300.DLL installed in your Windows or System directory. This file is required for all Visual Basic programs. If you do not already have it installed in your Windows/System directory then you can find it on most online systems offering software for downloading. Usually under the name vbrun301.exe. It can also be found at Hirtle Software WWW at the address listed below. Installation: - Run Install.exe using the RUN option from the file menu of Windows Program Manager or double click on the Install.exe icon from the File Manager. - Follow the directions of the install program. Installation should have placed the following files in the identified directories: Sample1.dat \Program Directory Sample2.dat \Program Directory RTG.EXE \Program Directory Test.Idx \Program Directory RTG.TXT \Program Directory Sample.tst \Program Directory Cmdialog.vbx \Program Directory Commdlg.dll \Program Directory login.pwd \program Directory (may be a hidden file) 3dlabel.vbx \Windows\System Statbar.vbx \Windows\System Vbpic3d.vbx \Windows\System Vbpicbtn.vbx \Windows\System NOTE: Shareware users will see a Registration box when the application is first activated. In order to review this program you must select the CONTINUE button. The REGISTER button is for registered users to use once they have a registration code. Distribution: - This version is Free to all registered users. If you are a registered user your initial registration number will work for this version. If you were not provided with a registration number, contact the author via e-mail. If you request a disk upgrade, a S&H payment must be received by me. See the order form for details. - Random Test Generator is distributed as Shareware. The Author maintains all rights to the program in its entirety. - Random Test Generator may be distributed freely as long as the integrity of Shareware is maintained. - In the tradition of Shareware, the author grants a 30 day trial period to the user to decide whether they want to keep the program. If so, a $29.95 payment (plus shipping and handling, see order form) is required. If not, then before the 30 days is up, you must delete the program from your system. Compuserve Customers: Save a stamp! You can register this program on-line if desired. The cost of this program will be added to your Compuserve account. Here's how: 1. Use the GO 'swreg' command 2. Select 'Register Shareware' option 3. Select the geographic region you reside in 4. This is a search area. select the appropriate fields which will help identify this application. This program is Reg # 13578. Once done choose 'Begin Search' then 'Display Selection' 5. The number of matching titles found will be displayed. Select the appropriate title and the the 'Select' button 6. Select the 'Description' button 7. Select the 'Register' button 8. Fill out the appropriate information and your done That's it! You have now registered this software. Your next Compuserve bill will show that you have registered this software. The author will send you a registered copy of this application or send you a registration number to enter into the program which will activate the registered features. Disclaimer: Random Test Generator has no expressed or implied warranty. The user accepts full responsibility for this program by loading it on their computer. At no time is the author responsible for any hardware or software malfunctions caused by Random Test Generator. Though the author knows of no such problems from this software, he is not liable if any should occur. Version Information: V1.0 Initial Release ==== V1.1 ==== - Fixed bug in Video Test. If more than one video test was set-up, the previous student answers would be pre-filled into new exam. - Added a Replace option to search for and replace specified text with verification. - Added highlights to found text for easy viewing in Find, Find Next, and replace options. - Reformated Shareware Registration screens. - Added an ability to print an entire database file. - Added the ability to select up to 10 files to manually select questions from. - Added a View List capability, to list all databank files and entries in each. also added completed Test file viewing capability. - Modified Password Login-in window to be more restrictive. - Set all windows to center when they pop-up. - Prevented users from editing Help file. It now can not be written to. - Set screen objects to resize when a lower resolution monitor is used. v1.2 ==== - Administrative release to update registration information. V1.3 ==== - Fixed a small bug whereby occassionally you could not open a specified test databank file. - Fixed a bug in the View menu that would exit the application if a file was unreadable. Now it will alert the user of such, and continue running. - Fixed a bug where some buttons would display strange colors. - Added the ability to select any font available on your system for printed tests. You may also set the font size and whether you want it bold or standard. V1.4 ==== - Administrative release to update authors new address. V1.5 ==== - Modified the password function in the defaults menu. Reminder boxes and a de-activate password option has been added. Fixed a bug where in some cases rhe application would ask for a password when initially installed. - Added a help button to the Print Test window to aid users in this area. - RTG can now be used in a root directory (not recommended) if desired. Hirtle Software is now on the WWW. The latest versions can be found here including other fine software products. You can get the latest information, preview software on-line, and download the latest versions all at one location: WWW Address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hirtle/ Registration Form: ================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANDOM TEST GENERATOR - REGISTRATION FORM (Form also available under Help in program) Name:___________________________________________ Date:___________________ Address:________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Single Registration price: $29.95 (Plus $3.50 For USA customers or $5.00 for other countries for shipping and handling) Number of Registrations:______ Internet Address:___________________________ (see volume discount offer) Signature_______________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For payments, questions, comments and suggestions send to: Timothy Hirtle P.O. Box 1332 Virginia Beach, VA 23451-0332 E-Mail: 102705.2261@compuserve.com