About ten days ago, a federal jury in L.A. returned a verdict against STAC on a trade-secret claim by Microsoft. The jury even awarded punitive damages because it considered STAC's actions deliberate. Since then, STAC's president, Gary Clow, and others have devoted an enormous amount of energy on these forums trying to foster the belief that Microsoft will use this verdict to pursue claims against third-party developers who legitimately use debugging tools to achieve or maintain compatibility with Microsoft's operating systems. These statements just aren't true. Nor are STAC's claims that all they did was use a few undocumented calls. STAC disassembled and analyzed a sizable chunk of MS-DOS itself to understand its internal design. Then STAC used that knowledge to write code identical in functionality for STAC's own product. The preloading program copied by STAC is one that integrates data compression seamlessly into the internal operations of MS-DOS to allow data compression to be performed in a safe, easy, and efficient manner. This had nothing to do with undocumented system calls. (STAC did intercept a few internal calls but this was the least significant part of our design and not the reason we sued them.) Information obtained during the discovery phase of the case, through diaries and testimony of STAC developers, and confirmed during the trial, shows that STAC did not merely analyze the compression integration portion of MS-DOS 6 but disassembled and copied the design, functionality, features, and processes of more than 3,000 lines of MS-DOS compression integration code. (By comparison, the compression technology of DoubleSpace, which STAC sued Microsoft over, involved only about 1,500 lines of code.) At the trial, STAC produced a number of expert witnesses who testified that they regularly "reverse-engineered" other programs, and STAC is using that as "proof" that other developers are on his side. In fact, during cross-examination, every one of STAC's witnesses said they defined "reverse-engineering" to mean analysis for debugging or compatibility testing and not for disassembling and copying someone else's work. STAC's final expert witness, Jim Sesma, a developer not affiliated with STAC, was specifically asked whether he had ever reverse-engineered or disassembled one of Microsoft's products in order to copy the internal design into another product. His answer: "No, I have not. That is not the intention of anything that I would do." Our outside expert witness testified that STAC could not have done what it did with a simple debugger or usual debugging techniques, and that what STAC did went far beyond what anyone in the industry would consider necessary for compatibility. In fact, STAC's existing product was already compatible with MS-DOS 6, and evidence was presented at trial showing that STAC had other technical avenues for preloading that would not require STAC to disassemble and copy Microsoft's designs. For example, IIT's XtraDrive product replaces the boot sector with its own code that loads their driver into memory before loading IO.SYS, so they get a preload effect without having to use Microsoft's technology. Digital Research took still another technical approach to integrating disk compression in DR DOS 6. STAC did not need our trade secrets to solve its technical problems; taking our intellectual property was merely the most expedient way to do so. Andrew Schulman and one or two other authors have claimed in various public forums that Microsoft's compression integration design is not a trade secret because it has been documented in at least two books, including Schulman's own Undocumented DOS. Schulman's book, however, documents less than 2 percent of the compression integration design. This provides some understanding of the relative amount of weight in the integration design between the overall feature set of the program and the few internal operating system calls used. Schulman and other authors substantially understate the daunting challenge of uncovering and documenting the complete, detailed technical design that would be necessary to replicate an entire subsystem within the operating system, which is what STAC did. For example, Schulman has not been able to document how MS-DOS 5 (released three years ago) loads itself into high memory, and that task is far simpler than the compression integration of DoubleSpace. STAC was able to copy Microsoft's work only after a heavy investment in developer time (documented in their own diaries) and has been found guilty of violating Microsoft trade secrets in doing so. Note: My comments here are not pointed at Andrew. What he has done in his research, and what he has published in his books and articles, is radically different than what STAC has done. Microsoft's system business is predicated on getting a large number of third parties, both big and small, to develop products for our operating systems. Through our developer relations efforts, we continue to provide technical information to outside vendors and to encourage support third parties to write products for our systems. In addition, from time to time, we will likely seek to license third-party software technology to incorporate into our operating system and application products. (For MS-DOS 5 and 6, we licensed technology from Central Point, Roundup, Helix, Vertisoft, and Quest/Norton.) Microsoft has no interest or intent in pursuing developers doing legitimate technical work to build products to run on MS-DOS or Windows. It is one thing to use software tools to analyze an operating system to ensure that applications are compatible with it, or to fix bugs in your product that show up in low-level interactions in the operating system, or to work around bugs in the operating system itself. It is another thing entirely to disassemble the operating system, copy the design of key features, and incorporate them into your own product. Microsoft is not confused about the difference. The developer community should not be confused. Microsoft will work hard to encourage honest developers to build products for our systems, but we will absolutely take steps to protect our trade secrets from unscrupulous developers who try to rip off our work. Paul Maritz, Senior Vice President, Systems Microsoft Corporation