INSTALATION ____________ Make sure that you are using a browser that is Java enabled. Unzip CCJ.ZIP in a directory that you created, use a program that preserves long file names. Remember Java uses long file names and it is 'case-sensitive'. You can run the program by drag_and_drop the "ccj.html" to your browser, or by drag_and_drop the 'ccjpage.htm' to your browser and clicking the "CCJ: Applet" link. Actually the second way is better since you have access to all the info-pages. Note: When the program starts it takes a couple of seconds to load all the graphics.... WHAT YOU NEED TO RUN THIS GAME ___________________________________ _To run this program you need a browser that is Java enabled. _Preferably more than 256 colors SVGA graphics although it will run "happily" on 256 colors (actually this is the color depth that I use, 256). IF YOU USE ONLY 256 COLORS AVOID USING OTHER PROGRAMS THAT ALTER THE PALETTE OF THE SYSTEM, THIS WILL PREVEND THE PAWNS FROM SHOWING TRANSPARENT AND THE COLORS OF THE GAME LOOK STRANGE !!! _Preferably more than 640x480 resolution. _A mouse (not a real one). _If you try this game please send me your comments and some specifications of the system you are using. It will be very useful to me, for farther developing and supporting this product. e-mail: