Galaxy 5 Upgrade Patch v1.08 Wide Beta -> v1.09 Wide Beta v1.09 Wide Beta Release Date : 11/28/96 Request G5PATCH from 1:2410/903 for the latest patch update. G5 or GALAXY5 for the latest full release archive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch file is for users of Galaxy 5 v1.08 Wide Beta. It will upgrade your files to the v1.09 Wide Beta release files. It will work with either the registered version, or the unregistered version. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are not running v1.08, then this patch file will NOT work! If you would like a patch file to get to v1.09 from the version you are running, then leave me a message telling what version you are running, and I will create one for you that you can use and distribute to others. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions For Use --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) To ensure safe operation, first backup your entire Galaxy 5 directory, or backup the files that will be modified with this patch (listed below). 2) Place the PATCHES.EXE & PATCHG5.BAT files in your home Galaxy 5 directory. You may also place the WHATSNEW.TXT file in your home G5 directory, or your TEXT subdirectory for future reference if you wish. 3) Place the VERSION.DAT file in your DATA subdirectory. If your home Galaxy 5 directory is C:\G5, then this would be C:\G5\DATA\ 4) Change to your home G5 directory, and execute the PATCHG5.BAT file. If you want a backup directory created, then execute the batch file using a "-B" parameter like so, "PATCHG5 -B" and it will create a subdirectory named OLD108 containing the original v1.08 files that are about to be modified. 5) After it is finished, you can erase the PATCHG5.BAT & PATCHES.EXE files as they are no longer needed. 6) If everything went well, then you can erase the OLD108 subdirectory along with all of the files in it. If there were problems, then copy over all of the files from the OLD108 subdirectory, back into your home Galaxy 5 directory to get your v1.08 back intact. 7) Refer to the WHATSNEW.TXT file for info on changes, additions, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files Modified With This Patch --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GALAXY5.EXE - Modified. GALAXY5.OVR - Modified. G5EDITOR.EXE - Modified. G5SETUP.EXE - Modified. GALAXY5.DOC - Modified. REGISTER.TXT - Modified. WHATSNEW.TXT - Modified. VERSION.DAT - Added in DATA subdirectory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas J. Smith, author of all -Noel Software- programs, can be contacted via the following mediums. Sites marked with a "*" indicate that most of our programs can also be found there (if not all of them). * BBS - The Last Call BBS! (313) 295-6284 * Fido - 1:2410/903 (request LIST or FILES for a file listing). Email - * WWW - (case sensitive) -Noel Software- door programs can also be found at the following FTP site, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------