Everybody who plays Rott using external .rtl files has to go thru SETUP which is a pain in the butt. I've written a batch file which automates the process and removes the pain (but not your butt hopefully). After downloading play.zip, unzip it into your Rott directory then just type play [.rtl filename] [.wad filename] eg to play a file called myfile.rtl you would type play myfile to play a file called myfile.rtl with mywad.wad type play myfile mywad as simple as that. No extension is needed altho it doesn't care if you do add it. If the file is not there then it'll tell you and bomb out. Things that can go wrong: All the files in this archive MUST be in the Rott directory If the .rtl file you want to play is in another directory then you must specify the pathname on the command line eg if myfile.rtl is in a sub directory of Rott called RTLS then you would type play rtls\myfile if mywad.wad was in a subdir called WADFILES you'd type play rtls\myfile wadfiles\mywad Hope this simplifies your Rotting Les Crockford les@highway1.com.au