HOW THE GAME WORKS: =================== Whenever you play a game of Word King, you are being recorded. Every key stroke, every word, every backspace, everything is being recorded. Whenever you challenge another player to a game, you are actually playing against their recorded game. As you play your game the computer is constantly checking the recorded game of your opponent and playing back each keystroke on the playing board to your left. If your opponent types in 7 words faster than you then you will see them on the playing board and you will loose the game. If however, you type in 7 words faster than your opponent then you will win the game. Whether you win or loose, your game is being recorded. The two most important points to remember are, 1) Always play as fast as you can 2) NEVER quit! Why never quit? Well first because it's not polite and second because even if you loose this game you are being recorded and this recorded game is what other players will challange. So type until the timmer runs out or until you reach all seven words. -=Press any key=-