FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: ============================ Q. Why does my opponent only loose points sometimes? A. Word King will only subtract points from your opponent (defender) IF your opponent won points during their challenge on THIS game. Remember, you are playing against your opponent who played this very same game against another player. If your opponent won their challenge then they also won points on that game, those points are the points you will take away if you win this challenge. If your opponent lost their challenge on this game then they won no points and therefore will loose no points if they loose to you. Q. Why do I sometimes win a tie and sometimes loose a tie? A. This is related to the way Word King scores points. Tie games are awarded to the player with the most points. If both players have the same amount of points then the game goes to the defender. Sometimes you will have a tie game of 60 seconds and your opponent will have more words that are worth more points than your words. You will still win this tie game IF your opponent lost their challenge on this game. Remember, if you loose a challenge you get 0 points, you will usually win a tie if you opponent lost their challenge because you will usually have more than 0 points. -=Press any key=-